Your Ministry” By Chris Ulrich May 12th,
2013 Earlier this week I was looking up some
information on Mother’s Day, and I didn't realize it, but it celebrated
internationally. There are different dates throughout the world, as far as what
country's there are. It's good to know that mothers are paid homage to. Its
sobering. It’s a day with a lot of emotions; I know a lot of people have been
spreading, there are a lot of people that their mothers have gone on. There are
some that maybe they didn't have the greatest relationship, and our hearts are
with you. It's a matter of just trying to reach out to people. I'd like to take
this moment and wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day from this pulpit. I'd like to
tell you I'm happy to see you, I hope you have a great day, month, year.
There's something that our general pastor, Pastor Paine, has shared several
times that there's not another group that he'd rather be associated with. I
used to hear him say that and I appreciate that. It's genuine, it's something
that I believe he means. It was never something that I felt like I disagreed
with, but I've reached a point where I actually feel that way myself. It gets
to a point where you feel it personally, and there isn't another group I'd
rather be associated with. I look at it as God has changes for our lives for
the better. We have purpose, we have direction, and I'll say this too, few
months back I talked about Jesus isn't glamorous but He will save our souls. You look around at this economic crisis,
and I'll tell you one thing, it's not like it's the first crisis in American
history. Ed Howes and I were watching this documentary on some of the things
that happened during the Dust Bowl, the Great Depression. It was just tragic. A
lot of it was man made but it's true, there were a lot of things that were just
unexpected. Some of the sickness is that arose because of that. What I would
say is, you have to look at it that God has blessed our lives. We do have
something to still be thankful for. We have had hardships, there's no question
about that; some more than others. One of the main points is don't
underestimate that, or don't underscore it. The Bible talks about weep with
those that weep, rejoice with those that rejoice (Romans 12:15). They're going
to be times, and I know there are people here in this congregation that are
hurting. We may not always know what the situations are, and we may not have
the words to express, but it's something that we should be sympathetic,
uplifting, and encouraging. That's for sure. I know that personally, my mom is still
alive. She's 72; I was raised about an hour west of Boston. I have a lot of
good memories. As I've gotten older and I have fond memories and I look back at
pictures and cards and there's some sentimental value to that. I'm proud of
her, I'll say that right out: I'm proud of her. I don't call my parents every
day, maybe once a week, sometimes twice a week. If I call in the morning, I
don't have a set routine, but she instantly says good morning, and I appreciate
that. It’s just a small thing, but it warms my heart. So I want to say thank
you to the mothers of Christian Fellowship, and our visitors too, but for all
the things you do, the acts of kindness; those things are only going to be
known by God or they're going to be known in eternity. These are things that
everybody benefits from, but it’s not necessary things everybody's going to
see, or that they're going to make you a hero. To God you are. I'll say it
again, I'm proud of my mom. I just have to share that, I feel like that's the
appropriate thing. The theme of the month is building
ministry. Bob preached last week about building a relationship in God. One of
the main passages used was from Matthew chapter 7 verses 21 to 29, talking
about building our house on the rock and not on the sand. I liked what you
mentioned about building a sandcastle. How many have ever built a sandcastle?
If you've ever gone to a lake or river or the ocean, I know we're long way from
the ocean but there's a big lake out there. When you’re little kids and you
build it, especially on the ocean, you think it's going to be there
permanently. Then you come back the next day and half of it is washed away.
It’s like you spent all this time and effort, and there's nothing left. That's
the truest way to look at it, if we build our life on something that's not the
Rock, the doctrine of Christ, which is to be born again, that's what's going to
happen: life is going to gradually erode. I think these things happen to people
over time, whether they build up issues, or whatever the case might be. If we
have that power in God that we can get that root of bitterness out and keep it
out, we're going to have a blessed life. There's no question about it. I also
like that he went on to several examples: relationship killers is what he
called it. Even Facebook. I'm not a Facebook guy, but I heard where you're
coming from. There were other points being mentioned. I would say as far as
building your relationship in God, and building your ministry, that's the title
of today's message: "Building Your Ministry." Once the groundwork of building a
relationship in God is laid, the next step is to build our ministry and
establish a long term plan. A large part of that long term plan is to be
thankful that God has called us to His ministry, because if we don't have that,
then it's just a matter of time before we start looking elsewhere. We have to
ask ourselves if we're convinced that we found the truth in this ministry. I
realize that we're not the only ministry that preaches the truth, and I
honestly believe that everybody that's out there—everybody—believes they are preaching
the truth. What it has to be backed up by is, what does the word of God teach?
I know that when I first came here and I was shown what it means as far as
being a Christian, it was undeniable and undoubtable and I looked at it and it
was like that's it, there's no question about it. So, as time goes by, what are
some of those things that could be relationship killers? What are some of those
things that might hinder us or hold us back? 1st
Timothy 1:12-14 …He counted me
faithful, putting me into the ministry… We
have to thank God that He put us in the ministry. That's what it is, it's a
calling of God, and it makes a difference. I like what Parrish shared a few
months ago, it is a big deal. We all are definitely going to stand before God
and it comes down to a matter of are we ready or are we not. Because,
alternately, the Bible talks about save yourself from this untoward generation.
It's true that we have a support group, but what are we going to do with it? We
could just set it aside... The Bible talks about the parable of the sower, and
there are a lot of different directions that we can go. There are a lot of
different options that we have. We have to have genuine respect for the
ministry, and it's not always easy. We are human and we're subject to failure
and sometimes we reap the rewards, both good and bad, of our predecessors. I'm
going to say that again, sometimes we reap the rewards, both good and bad, of
our predecessors. I know that that can mean a lot of different things. It could
mean that there are those that went before us that really did well, or those
that did poorly. You look at the examples of the Cain’s of the Old Testament;
most of those did not do well. But if you look at the benefits that the
children of Israel reaped as a result of those that followed got with your
whole heart, doing that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, but then you
look at the examples of those that did evil in the sight of the Lord, and there
are some extreme examples, where it is hard to believe that God would have
allowed it, but it wasn't God's fault. Another thing that we hear, whenever
there's some kind of a failure or a misfortune, then we have to point to God. That's
not the case. Sometimes things are going to happen unexpectedly, and, again, we
weep with those that weep. It’s difficult, but sometimes we're going to have to
be that shoulder to lean on. We have to understand that the ministry is built
on a doctrine of truth, otherwise it's not going to spiritually stand the test
of time. Don't get me wrong, I understand there are a lot of other churches in
a lot of other religions, and this isn't to bash other churches. There are
false prophets, and there are false doctrines taught. It doesn't take long to
understand that when we look around we see. Jesus said many shall come in my
name and say, “I am Christ,” and deceive many (Matthew 24:1-5). That was the
first message that Christ taught when they asked Him what should be the signs
of the end of the world. We're in the last days, but how long can it last? 50,
100, 200, 300? It might last that long, or it could happen tonight. Could I
envision it getting worse? I'm sure we all can. Do we hope it does? We don't. We're
not gluttons for punishment to say, “Oh yeah, come on, bring it on.” It’s not
like that at all. I hope it’s easy. I will tell you this much, there times when
it does seem to get better, but there are times when it seems to worsen. We
have to look at it from the perspective that we have to brace and prepare for
whatever unexpected situations may arise. Christ warned us not to let any man
deceive us, but unfortunately there are lies being taught and they are being
perpetuated year after year, generation after generation. It’s not like we
wonder why does that happen. It would seem like God would just snuff it out
when it first happened and not allow it to happen. God has basically given this
world over to the devil. God gives us the power to get through it; that's why
the Bible says love not the world, neither the things that are in the world,
for all is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, is not of
the father but is of the world (1 John 2:15). God has promised things that are
greater. Sonya talked about the sound of birds singing in the morning. I like
that sound. Seems like I only hear it certain times of the year. I'm not like
Brent, I don't know a lot of different bird sounds-- that's a cardinal, that's
a blue jay, that's a mourning dove—whatever it is, it sounds good. Christ said
if He is lifted up—and that's part of our ministry—that He'd draw all people to
Him (John 12:32). We should be convinced enough in the word of God, and where
God's placed us, that we don't feel we have to blow other people out of the
water in doctrinal warfare. God's going to back us up. If God is for us, who
can be against us (John 8:31)? We have to realize that we have to have that
confidence, that strength in God. 2nd Corinthians 6:1-3 …Giving no offence in any thing, that the
ministry be not blamed… A
good portion of our ministry is the ability to encourage and to edify. We also
have to look at it as what does it mean to blame the ministry. There have been
times when I've heard people say blame the church, blame the pastor, blame the
Bible. It really comes down to the fact that we have to have a personal
accountability. I mentioned earlier that sometimes we're going to feel the benefits
or the repercussions of her predecessors. We have to look at it from a
perspective that a lot of times we will make decisions that after the fact will
say I wish I hadn't done that. I'm not talking about serving God, I'm talking
about things like a decision regarding real estate or I shouldn't have watched
that movie. The phrase that the ministry be not blamed refers to a perfect
doctrine, a perfect word of God—the ministry is bigger than any one person. People
make up the ministry, but, God's will is that all would be saved and come to
the knowledge of the truth (2 Peter 3:9). Where are going to be those that
don't make it, but those of us that have heard and those of us that have
endured we have to make a decision that we want to continue. I want to make
sure that I make my calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10). We have to be
strong ourselves, but how many have felt strengthened after helping someone
else? I would say that I don't know how God does it, but He does it. There is a
verse that talks about the fervent charity shall cover a multitude of sins. That's
important spiritual point, because if I'm showing fervent charity, which I
should be, but the Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of
God, I'm not talking about if I since six times and do eight works of charity,
then I'm up plus two... If we seek God and continue to pray to God, if we are
able to have that attitude about it, we will be successful. The
last section we're going to talk about is maintaining your building. What are
the most critical elements of our life in God is, examining ourselves
periodically. We need to make sure that we're where we need to be. Are we
reading the Bible? Are we praying to God? Are we fasting? Are we giving? Are we
casting down vain imaginations? Are we inviting people to church? Are we not
being judgmental... The Bible says judge righteous judgment (John 7:24). But I
mean, if we haven't heard the whole matter, do we instantly jump to
conclusions? So, after we've checked off those boxes, are we living a holy
life? Are we forgiving as we should? Are we loving and caring for people? If
you do more than that, that will cover everything, right? That covers
everything? We've got about 10 points? That's not the case. There's never a
point where we can just say, “I've finished it.” Yes, there is a point where
the Bible says when we've done all we can do but stand, to just stand
(Ephesians 6:13), but then you have another day to face, and another day to
face. There's something that I've got to share, that I think about from time to
time, Pete Shepherd shared something about 6 months ago, about how you face
each day, you wake up each morning saying, “Oh lord, it's morning,” kind of
defeated, but after a while it changed to, “Good morning, Lord.” I use that,
and I have to say it works. It really made a difference, just to have a better
outlook. I know that there's going to be curve balls were going to have to
face, things are going to come along unexpectedly, sometimes things are
painful, sometimes things that are genuinely tragic. It’s not a laughing matter.
It's one of those things where I just can't see how God has his hand in that. We
still have to keep going. 2nd
Corinthians 13:1-5 …Examine
yourselves, whether ye be in the faith... That's
something that we have to periodically examine ourselves, we have to
periodically check to make sure that we're where we need to be, that we're what
God wants us to be. God knows that we're all going to need a shoulder to cry on
how ourselves at different points. Are we willing to lean on others, and are we
willing to be leaned on ourselves? Titus
2:1-7 …In all things shewing thyself
a pattern of good works… We
have to have a pattern of good works, and that's something that God expects. I
mentioned earlier that the ministry is bigger than any one individual. I know
that there's a topic that has been on my mind, it's not a study or anything,
but it really comes down to is are we leading or are we following? We really
need to get on his word. Bob mentioned last week that we really need to be
supportive of whoever's in charge, but we also need to be supportive of who's
in the middle or who's new in the faith. I think when we do that we have a
clear conscience towards God. For those of you that were here last week, Jim
Ottoson was up here from Virginia. I think this year Jim Ottoson will have been
baptized 40 years or maybe it was last year. He mentioned that, and then he
made a really simple statement... I'm going to get to that in a minute, but I
know that for myself, this year makes 25 years of being baptized in Jesus Name.
I thank God for that. I feel like it’s a milestone, personally. Have there been
ups and downs and trials and tribulations? Oh yeah. Have there been victories?
I can't count them. I don't feel that I've lived a tragedy filled life, or a
cursed life. It hasn't been just one anguish after another. There's been down
falls, there been troubles, there been struggles; there have been difficulties;
there have been deaths in the family, but I would have to say that overall... We
sometimes hear from people that it seems like they've got a chip on their
shoulder, they just feel like they have suffered more than anybody else, and my
answer to that is God can change all of that. I know that God has kept me, but
the statement the Jim made—it was just a simple statement: “Don't give up.”
I've got a quote: I know there was a pretty well-known college coach a few years
ago; how many remember Jim Valvano? He coached at North Carolina State, and
actually they were a surprisingly major underdog that came to a national title
in '83 or '84 maybe. Few years later, I'm thinking 1993, he was diagnosed with
a particularly aggressive form of cancer, and he was up for an ESPY Award. He
had been given a couple of months to live, and he wasn't going to go, but then
some people talk him into going. When he was giving his acceptance speech, he
used the same words, “Don't give up.” He talked about his chemotherapy and
there was a guy in the back saying finish your speech, you've only got so much
allotted time. It was very emotional and impassioned speech, and he said the
same thing, he said, “Don't ever give up.” I want to tie that was what Jim said
and I want to say the same thing after 25 years don't give up. I know some of
you have been around longer, some of you not as long, but I would say it’s
worth it. I would say in recapping, just be encouraging, examine ourselves, have
a long term plan, and again I want to say Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers
out here. God bless. Thank you very much. Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd |