“Your Relationship in God

By Bob Heirtzler

May 5th, 2013

 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.  


            This month’s theme is, ‘Building Ministry.’  I want to take the opportunity to share something real quick:  About four or five weeks ago I shared about baptism.  Does anybody remember who I said shared with me? that’s right, Jim Ottoson, and here’s Jim Ottoson, here today.  We’re talking about building ministry, and I remember coming across the street from the United States Navy Base; all there was, was North Chicago.  There wasn’t any Norfolk, San Diego, Washington, Haiti, Sri Lanka… the list goes on and on.  When I came that day, it was just here, with a dream of spreading the Gospel around the world.  Truly, they were building a ministry.  I am thankful to Jim Ottoson for sharing the Gospel with me that day.  I consider it honor just to have you in the same room with me.  He shared with me baptism in Jesus’ name, and I have never been the same.  If you ask him, I was a knucklehead, I was stubborn.  He had to pull me aside, and, not physically pull my ear, but, spiritual yank my ear, and give a swift kick in my butt a couple of times (not really, but in the Spirit of God).  That’s why I’m where I am today. 

Now, the subject of the month is ‘Building Ministry.’  When Parrish put this together we were talking about building your relationship in God.  I posted this on Facebook, of course, I asked the question, “What does building your relationship in God mean to you?”  Here are some of the responses I got:

Bob's FaceBook One

Bob's FaceBook 2

Jim Martin shared:  “One of the greatest things that will ever contribute to your life is your relationship with Jesus Christ.  There is nothing greater that you will ever endure, ever experience, ever achieve in your life; there is no greater height, pleasure, or passion that you will ever accomplish.  Through Him, we are more than conquerors.  He died for my sins.  That relationship will last a lifetime, and for all eternity.”   He didn’t get a chance to type it in, so I said I’d give him two minutes.

            I like how Parrish said, “Building Your Relationship IN God.”  Not on God, next to God, not on top of God, but in God. I like that we’re in this room.  We’re not in the hallway, we’re not on top of the roof, but we’re in this room.  I’m trying to draw a picture here that we’re in God.  How we in God is baptism in Jesus name.

            Then I was moving things around, and the first message I prepared, God said no.  The second message I prepared, God said no again. 

            Out there, there are relationship killers.  You’re going to be amazed at the list; I saw a survey about relationship killers, and things that will kill your relationship.  I thought about this, how I could use this, vise-versa, to talk about ways to have a stronger relationship with God.  Here are the seven big relationship killers:

Relationship Killer List

                   And # 7–Adultery

Relationship Killers:

1. Insecurity

Matthew 7:21-29         …a wise man, which built his house upon a rock...

            The first thing on the list is insecurity.  Unexpected bills, the job market, life has a shaky foundation—alcohol or a drug problem, pretending to be okay…  How many people say they’re okay, and you know there’s something going on?  They won’t share, but, you know that you’ve got to pray for them.  Afraid to ask for help; how many people do you know that are afraid to ask for help?  Your religious belief keeps changing; you remind me of that white bag that gets traveled all over the yard and across the street, it’s like your religion changes as the wind blows, the way that garbage bag gets blown around.

            There are a lot of people that are hitting the doorframe, and not getting through the door.   They get right up to it, but their just afraid to commit.  Family, we’re building our house upon the Rock.  Some of us just went through this.    A couple of weeks ago, eight inches of rain came down; there was a lot of flooded property.  There was a lot of flooded things out here; they say it was the worst in many years.  If our lives are on the Rock (and that Rock is Christ) then we shall weather the storms.  You might not feel like it, and you might not know what’s going to happen, like Peter.  He said to Jesus, if I can come out, let me come out.  What did Jesus say? okay, come out.  He walked out on the water.  As soon as he took his eyes off of Jesus, he immediately sank; the law of gravity took over, right?  Then he cried out to Jesus and said, help me, and immediately Jesus was there to help him out.  We’re going to go through storms in life that are going to make us grow in God, we’ll go through battles that will cause our faith to grow stronger in God, but we’re building a relationship in God.  We’re going to be tested and tried like gold.  That’s nothing strange that happens to us (1 Peter 4:12).

Anybody ever build a sand castle?  You go down to the beach, and you build a sand castle; was it there the nest day? no.  Why? the tide came in and washed it away.  Was the dock still there?  Was the pier still there?  But not the sand castle, right?  Make sense?

2. Trust Issues

The number two thing, they said, was trust issues.  Someone you believed in failed, they didn’t come through.  Life is beating you up really bad.  You’re afraid to reach out to people.  Allowing yourself to think, “I can do this on my own.”  How long does that last?

Proverbs 3:5   …and lean not unto thine own understanding. 

            I like the word, ‘in.’  The word ‘and’ is like a plus sign.  He’s telling us not to lean unto our own understanding.  Let’s go back to the first part:  “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart.”  That’s a challenge, but, once you do it, then you realize that God answers prayers, and things start flowing.     Another reason, I think, that God put, “…lean not unto thine own understanding…” there is, for me personally, sometimes I think, “I got this,”  and then realize I don’t.  “Okay, God, I prayed, and I gave it to you, but, let me take it back.”  I’m guilty.  I don’t think I’m the only one, but I’m guilty. 

Isaiah 26:4      Trust ye in the LORD for ever…

            God is giving us everlasting strength.  Make sense?  Another thing about trust issues is:

Matthew 11:28–30      For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

            Jesus said, “Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.”  Even in the midst of storms, I’ve found peace.  In the midst of the battles, you can find peace if you just stop, pause, raise your hands to God and say, “God, get me through this.”  Such a peaceful Spirit comes over us; the Spirit of God moves over us.  All of the sudden, we get this grit in our craw and you just stand.  “Okay, God, You got this; I’m giving it to you.”   Satan flees from that.  Satan would like to get us chasing our own tail like a dog chases his, in circles over and over again. 

3. FaceBook

Can you believe that; “FaceBook” is considered a relationship killer!  I can’t believe what my own personal family post on their pages.  They share everything!  They don’t realize that everybody’s reading it.  Then they get mad when they get judged by my family.  But they put it on there.  They get all upset.  Also, they can’t wait to take a picture of something that happens so they can post it, and gossip about it.  They get joy out of that.  The only thing that came to my mind here is, you’re going to reap what you sow!  You put somebody else’s business out there, God might put your business out there; let everybody know. 

Galatians 6:1–10        whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap…

            If ye see a brother or a sister overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, please post it on FaceBook right away.  I don’t think so Tim.  Because that temptation—you have to restore that person, or you’re going to be tempted also.  You’ve got to restore that brother or sister that comes to you asking for prayer.  We don’t even need to know what it is.  You just have that prayer; let God deal with it.  It ain’t none of our business.  We understand that if you plant corn, you're going to get corn.  If you plant tomatoes, you’re going to get tomatoes.  If you plant apple trees, you are going to get apple trees.  If you plant hatred, you’re going to get hatred.  If you plant love, you’re going to get love.  If you plant, we’re going to reap what we sew.  God told us that we need the fruits of the Spirit in our lives.  Make sense?  We’ve got to stay away from everything else.  Don't give up. Jim Ottoson told me that so many times, “Don't give up.”  I’ve told him, too, “Don't give up.”  I need you.  You know? 

            Paul was sharing to us that we have to do good unto all, especially they of the household of faith.  You have to do good to your natural and your spiritual family, right?

4. Jealousy

On the list, I wrote down, “Mad because someone else has it better.  Desire something that does not belong to you.  If you can’t have it, they can’t have it.  I can do a better job of it than that; why do they always pick him to do that?”  I didn’t ask to be one of the preachers.  I didn’t say, “Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!”  No, I was asked to be up here, by Pastor Paine.  I was trying to stay away from it.  I prayed about it, and I said, “Pick Jesse.”  We that have been around, we have had a lot of different leaders up here.  The right thing to do is to support them.  That’s the right thing to do.  These guys have been given the responsibility; you need to support them.  Don’t try to figure out a way to get them fired.  We need to support them and pray for them.  Why did God pass you?  I don’t know, ask Him.  Maybe next time.  Maybe God’s got something for you somewhere else; I don’t know.  When Brother Ken stepped down, and Brother Andy and Brother Parrish were picked to be the new fellowship leaders, I committed to supporting them just as much as I supported Brother Ken, just as much as I supported Pastor Wilson, and Pastor Saniatan, and every other leader all the way back to day number one, Pastor Davis.  Anybody in that leadership position, I don’t want to touch it. 

            There’s a story—it’s not in my notes, but I’ll share it right quick—King Saul took his own life because he didn’t want the enemy to take his life.  Some young guy ran to David and said, “Hey, I wiped out Saul for you.  He’s taken care of.”  King David said, “You touched the Lord’s anointed?”  What happened?  The guy got killed.  David said, on the spot, “Your blood be on your head; you confessed with your mouth.”  Me, I respect the leaders of the church, because I don’t want to touch it, at all.  God put them there.  It’s not my business.  Make sense?  That was for free; thank you very much.

            Back to jealousy.

Exodus 34:14–17        the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God...

He’s telling us not to worship anything else but Him.  What is Satan’s job? get us to worship somebody else besides Jesus.  It could be a person; it could be a place; it could be a thing.  Anything that can separate us from God.  If Parrish Lee came in every day—I’m going to pick on him cause he’s in the front row—no, I’m not, he’s got the anointing; I’m going to leave him alone.  If Jason came in every day, and all he talks about is an F-150; every day he talks about an F-150.  What do you think his god would be, eventually, if he allowed it?  The F-150.  You see what I’m saying?  We have to be careful about idolatry.  We’ve got to be careful about serving other gods besides Jesus.  We’ve got to stay far away from that.  Make sense, church?

2 Corinthians 11:1-4   so your minds should be corrupted…

Paul shared the Gospel of Christ, and we listen to our Father’s text.  The Gospel teaches us that we need to be pure before God in the Day of Judgment.  I’d rather have my sins before me, to take care of them, than to drag something behind me from ten years ago that didn’t get fixed.  Get things right with God as they come up.  I don’t have to—anybody here never made any mistakes? 

We need to take care of our newborns in Christ.  Satan’s trying to get them on a whirly-wind believing everything that’s going by.  Those of us who are up there solid should be sharing with those people, working with those people, so that they won’t fall.  We need to encourage them.  When you first got saved, you made mistakes, right, or am I the only one?  Somebody helped us up and encouraged us; same thing.  We’ve got to work with them and teach them.  Also, have a jealousy about you that you love God, and you don’t want nobody messing with our family.

5. Lack of Communication

Number 5 was lack of communication.  Lack of communication is a relationship killer.  Some people have poor communication skills.  They’re telling the wrong people.  If I’ve got something against Jimmie Martin, I shouldn’t be telling Parrish Lee about it.  If I have something against Sonia, I shouldn’t tell          Malcolm about it.  If I have something against Mark Lanier, I shouldn’t tell Brent about it.  Who should I go to? that individual, right?  It says to communicate, it doesn’t say put it on FaceBook.  You’re not asking questions to get the truth. 

Story:  I was in the stock room one time, and we had a bunch of stuff from Germany.  I could not pronounce those words; those words were terrible, fifty-two letters long.  I’m checking the stuff—I have to pronounce them to the driver so that he can check them off.  Somebody on the other side of the wall thought I was cussing and swearing.  Our supervisor said, “Bob doesn’t swear, he’s probably checking in that German stuff.”  It’s a good thing I had that testimony, because we can’t let our good be evil spoken of.  Another story:  There was a Walgreen’s drugstore and a liquor store side by side on Sunset Avenue and I had to pick up some stuff from Walgreen’s.  At the time, I was the superintendent of the Children’s Church here.  There’s no parking spot in front of Walgreen’s; the only parking spot was in front of the liquor store.  Guess what I did?  I went into Walgreen’s, got my stuff in a brown paper bag.  A vanload of kids came by and saw me walking with a bag in my hand.  They didn’t see me walk out of Walgreen’s, they just saw me in front of the liquor store with a brown paper bag getting into my car.  Guess what I do now? I don’t park in front of the liquor store.  I stay away from it.  I don’t want my good evil spoken of.  You’ve got to be careful of what you do.  There’s a lack of communication there, huh? 

Ephesians 4:17-32      … And be renewed in the spirit of your mind...

            When I came out of that tank, I didn’t cuss no more, I didn’t swear no more, I didn’t tell bad jokes no more…  My whole life changed when I got baptized.  I put off the old man; I put on the Spirit of God.  When we get baptized, we still make mistakes—I do—I ask God to forgive me.  Not one of those, “Oh God, forgive me” prayers.  No, if I messed up, I want to make sure that I hear, “You’re forgiven.”  No corrupt communication.  So, if we’re having fellowship at “It’s All Good” and we’re sitting at the table and we’re gossiping about somebody, that’s not fellowship.  That’s a gossip-fest.  So-and-so did this, so-and-so did that…  When we get together at “It’s All Good” coffee shop, we want to talk about the Word of God.  One person, Bianca, said, “I come here because, sometimes, I just need to vent.”  That’s a good thing; she gets it off her mind.  She talks to some of the sisters there, and they pray, and talk it out.  Sometimes we need that human being to talk to.  You can take things to God in prayer, but, sometimes you just need a human to talk to that’s not going to judge you, that’s not going to post it on FaceBook.  Lack of communication is a relationship killer.  We have to communicate.  If you’re not going to be here and you’re an usher or you work with the ministry, give Andy or Parrish a call, let them know that you’re not going to be here.  If you’re Sunday School teacher, let them know, “Hey, I’m not going to be there.”  It’s good to communicate.  When God puts you in that position, you’ll appreciate it when people communicate with you. 

6. Assumptions

assumption [əˈsʌmpʃən]


1. the act of taking something for granted or something that is taken for granted

2. an assuming of power or possession of something

3. arrogance; presumption

4. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic a statement that is used as the premise of a particular argument but may not be otherwise accepted Compare axiom [4]

[from Latin assūmptiō a taking up, from assūmere to assume]

assumptive  adj

assumptively  adv

            Everything you hear, you assume that it’s a lie.  Everything you hear, you assume that it’s the truth.  You remember that movie, “Men in Black?”  They went to the newsstand and they got the gossip pages; what did they call them? fact sheets.  They’re telling the truth, and nobody else believed them.  Making assumptions, telling stories, and then adding to the story…  I was told by my dad, “If you always tell the truth, then you don’t have to remember a thing.”  Ever play that telephone game where one person whispers in one ear, and it goes right on down the line?  It was always different at the other end.  That’s just telling a story, assuming that that’s what it is.  The truth is:

John 8:32        And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 

            The truth shall make you free.  The truth; the Word of God; not some fairy tale, not someone’s philosophy, the Word of God…  The other Scripture is in 2 Timothy.  How do you know the truth?  How can you tell what the truth is?

2 Timothy 2:14-16                   shun profane and vain babblings... 

            We need to study the Word of God if we’re going to prove ourselves, and to avoid vain babblings.  I’m amazed at how many people grab the newspaper and look at their horoscope and see how the day is going to be.  I already know how my day is going to be; I wake up in the morning and I know God’s going to bless me.  I don’t know what trials I’m going to go through today, but I know God’s going to deal with them today.  There’s people reading their horoscope saying, “Oh, there’s going to be something special in my life today.  Maybe I’m going to get a new car.”  And then it’s same-old-same-old.  Why would you put your faith in that?  When we have our faith in God, God will give us our needs.  Maybe not our wants…  Like our parents gave us vegetables; we didn’t want them, but we needed them.  God is going to give us our needs and not our wants. 

7. Adultery 

Number 7—and I really thought this would be number 1—adultery.  This is the worst relationship killer of them all.  We understand that’s when a married man spends time with another woman, or a married woman is spending time with another man.  I’m not going to get into that.  This is an UGLY relationship breaker.  This has afflicted my personal family so much.  The Scripture that came to my mind was:

2 Samuel 11:1-12:13   …Thou art the man…

King David stayed home that day , saw a woman taking a bath, brought her over to his house, did some things, he committed sin, he tried to cover it…  He brought the husband back to spend time with her, but he slept on the front steps.  He said my brothers are out there in the battle; I can’t go in there and do homework.  He sent the husband back out to the battle, caused the line to retreat and had the man killed.  Then he went and got the girl.  What I’m sharing here is, if you keep reading, Nathan the prophet said, “I’ve got a story I want to share with you:  There was a rich man and a poor man, and the rich man had everything he wanted.  He had cattle and servants and everything, but the poor man had just one lamb.  The rich man took away that one sheep.”  David said, “I’ll slaughter him!”  Nathan said, “Thou art the man.”  He immediately knew that he had sinned against God.  Why I want to share that is sometimes we go down the wrong road, sometimes we think that we’re too far down the road that we can’t come back.  We can come back.  There’s not one Scripture that says we can’t come back.  The Word of God tells us this:  We have to confess our sins before God.  Not some guy sitting on the other side, you’ve got to let God know.  King David shared with this prayer: 

Psalms 51:10-13         Create in me a clean heart…

Create in me a clean heart; renew a right spirit within me.  I’m angry today, God, I can’t walk in like this.  I need to change this, now, God, because I might snap and say something I shouldn’t say.  Create a right spirit in me, God, so that if I walk up and tell this brother that offended me, or sister, that we won’t be angry and we can talk it out.  God, I just want to make sure that I’m right before I go to that person.  I don’t want to cause more damage.  Does that make sense, church?  We have to ask God daily to create a new spirit in us.  I shared that nothing stops us from going back to God, not mistakes that were made or wrong decisions.  There’s nothing to stop us from coming back to God.  The Prodigal Son came home.  He was willing to be a servant, but the Father saw him coming home, and He ran to him, put a ring on his finger, put a coat on him, said, “This my son who was dead, is alive again.”  When God sees you about to turn the corner to ask for forgiveness, He is immediately there to comfort.  He is immediately there to answer your prayers.  He is immediately there to encourage you.  Make sense? 

Romans 8:35-39          nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us...

We’re conquerors.  When something comes against us, nothing can stop us.  We’re like that lighthouse that weathers the storm, taking a beating, but still shining for Jesus.  It doesn’t say should or would or could, it says shall.  The only person that can separate you from Him is yourself.  That’s it.  We can’t play church. 

            I am so thankful to be here today.  Thank you very much.


                             Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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