“Rewards Come”

By Tom Hanson

October 4th, 2009

 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.

Tom started out by reviewing the previous messages in the series:  The battle is the Lord’s, but our fruit remains.  He talked about being in foxholes of sickness, mistakes, depression, and even sin; he said that he himself had been in each of those foxholes.  God rewards effort, the labor and the sacrifice and that God is giving that fruit, even when He’s purging the vine, He’s still bringing fruit.

 2 Corinthians 9:6  if you sow sparingly, you’ll reap sparingly, but if you reap bountifully…

Galatians 6:7-8  whatsoever a man sow, that shall he also reap.

 Psalms 68:19  God daily loadeth us with benefits.

             If we sow Spiritual things, then we will reap Spiritual rewards.  Tom talked briefly about how his grandma used to bake cookies, and she would load those on him.  God wants to load us with benefits in much the same way, but we have to put forth some effort to receive those rewards.

 Revelations 22:12  God promised to reward each man according to his work.

             That’s the ultimate reward, so let’s get busy and please the Lord.  He will never leave us nor forsake us.  One of the benefits is the Spirit of God in us.  You might think that you are not worthy, but God is worthy.

 Ecclesiastes 3:1-2  To every thing there is a season…

 The season is our lifetime.  This is our time to plant.  Christ needs to be our first option, because God keeps His promises.

 Who gives rewards?

 Hebrews 11:6  God is a rewarder…

             You might be satisfied with being a millionaire in God’s Spirit (having a lot of Spiritual riches) but God isn’t.  He wants us to have so much more. 

 James 1:17  every perfect gift comes from above…

 Matthew 5:45  it rains on the just and the unjust…

            You may think of rain as a bad thing, but Israel is mostly desert, so rain was very important to them; rain was a blessing.  For us, the rain comes at the right time.  Before we knew Christ, we were not sitting on the right side; He was knocking, He was seeking us, He was making us aware of His presence.  He made His mighty sun to rise upon us each day.

 What are the rewards?

John 10:10  I am come that ye might have life…

 One of the rewards is a new life.

 Psalms 40:1-3  …a new song…

 Psalms 51:10-17  Create in me a clean heart…

 When they give someone a heart transplant, they have to try to match the heart to the patient very closely so that the patient’s body doesn’t reject the heart.  When God gives us clean hearts, we have to put our bodies under subjection, so that they won’t reject the new heart.  Still, things happen, and we may need to ask for another new heart.  God has an endless supply of clean hearts.

 Why do we get rewards?

 Hebrews 6:10  …God is not unrighteous to forget your labour of love…

 God will restore all joy.

 John 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

 1 Timothy  4:12  let no man despise thy youth…

 Even when you are young in the faith, you can still lead others to Christ.

 Why does God reward us?  It is so that we can be accountable.  Also, so that we will continue, understanding that there are greater rewards to come.

 Luke 12:16-21  I will build greater barns

             Jesus told a parable about a man who had more good than his barns could hold, so he decided to build greater barns, and then take some rest, living off of what he had stored up.  We don’t have that luxury.  We should not be storing our rewards, we should be using them for God’s glory; the work of God is never complete.

                           Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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