"Mother's Day" By Brother Parrish Lee May 10th,
What a service! I guess the fellowship leader knows what he’s
doing. It is wonderful to be in the
house of the Lord this morning. I thought
I would see a ton of—when I was little, my mom would take me to church on
Mother’s Day; you couldn’t hardly see the front because of all them hats. All them hats! That was the day that any ha would do. Any one of them. And every hat would do; every one of them. Anyway, giving honor to God, who
is the head of my life. Giving honor to
God who is the head of our lives, who is our Maker, our Savior, our
Creator. The One who keeps giving; no
matter what we give back, he keeps giving and out-gives, and we could never
give as much as he gives. The One who
just amazes us at every turn. We open
our eyes a little bit more, and we get a little bit more amazed; the more we
open, the more amazing we find Him.
Giving honor to Him whom the angels call, “There is none like Him.” Giving honor to that God. Giving honor to those who have gone on before
us: our founding pastor and his family. Giving honor to our pastor, he and his
family, and he will be here next week; looking forward to that. Giving honor to those who have stood in the
gap and made up the hedge to see that the work of God would go forth; giving
honor to them. Giving honor to all of
you, who are here, and present yourselves, today, before the Lord. And, giving honor today, of course, to all of
our moms. Amen. Amen.
Give yourselves another hand. I would like to say greetings. For those of you who do not know me, my name
is Parrish Lee. Myself and Brother Andy
Giebler, we are co-fellowship leaders here in Christian Fellowship Ministries
of Great Lakes. It has been a wonderful
privilege to work with Brother Andy, and I hope he can say the same. I also want to say that I am from a city
that's been in the news a lot lately. I would like to thank everyone who has expressed
concern, and asked me how’s my family doing.
I am from Baltimore, and it’s really been a tortious time; a lot of fear
for the safety of my family, because they said it has been really, really,
really, really crazy back there. I want
to thank all who expressed a concern for that, because it really, for a while,
it was heading pretty far down, and you just don’t know. You ever been in a situation where
something’s going on, and you just don’t know whether they’re in the hospital
or whether they’re on the job. You just don’t know if you’re going to lose
something. You just don’t know how things
are going to turn out. You put your faith
and trust in God; you don’t know the path that He’s going to lead, but you want
Him to provide. Thankfully, God has seen
fit to keep every one of my family safe, safe from all danger and harm; thank
You, Lord. And, the truth is, if you
watched that, if you watched any of that stuff going on out there, that could
have been me. You see where I come from,
you see what a miracle that stands before you now. Because, the honest truth is, except for the
grace of God, there go I; I would have been right there, I’m telling you. I had the same mindset and everything, but
God saw fit, as my sister said, God saw fit to show mercy on someone such as
myself, and I’m thankful to God to be here in the house—His house—this morning
and know His reign. We’ve already said that our theme
Scripture for the month is: Proverbs 31:30 Favour is deceitful,
and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. “…She shall be praised.” We’d like to start our Scripture this
morning; we’re going to do a little bit of reading this morning: John 2:1-11 And the third day there was a marriage in
Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: And both Jesus was called, and his disciples,
to the marriage. And when they wanted
wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto Him, They have no wine. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come. His mother saith unto the servants,
Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it. And
there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying
of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up
to the brim. And He saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast.
And they bare it. When the ruler of the
feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but
the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the
bridegroom, And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good
wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast
kept the good wine until now. This
beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his
glory; and his disciples believed on him. If we could bow our heads for just
a moment. Lord, at this time we do come
before You. And, God, how can we ever
thank You for all the good and perfect, and wonderful gifts that you bestow
upon us? It’s a day that we set aside to
honor mothers, but the first honor always goes to You, who have given us
mothers, and fathers and sisters and brothers.
You have given us all things.
Therefore, we first turn our attention to You to first thank You and
praise You. And, then, Lord, we ask
that, as You have said in Your Word, that Your Word would not return unto You
void, but it would surely accomplish that to which You have sent it. And, so, right now, in the name of Your Son,
Jesus, we rebuke every devourer, every obstacle, every stumblingblock, from any
hindrance that would have it to be that it wouldn’t shine forth greatly in our
lives. Have Your way, we pray, in Jesus’
name. And everyone said, amen. Amen. So, the Book of John, chapter two, we do a
little reading here. First miracle—mighty,
mighty interesting that you went to “Our God,” “Water You turned into wine…”
[Editor’s note: One of the songs picked
out (without advance knowledge of the sermon) was called, “Our God,” and the
first line says, “Water You turned into wine…”]. That’s how you know when God is just saying,
“Okay, get in the same mind, and the same accord. I’m going to give you some signs to show that
things are in agreement. Andy and I
didn’t talk about which songs, and he didn’t know what part of the message,
and, so, that’s just a blessing. That’s
a blessing. But, in the Book of John
chapter 2, we see, what is recorded as, what people say is, the first
miracle. They say it’s the first miracle.
The Lord went down, and they were all invited to this feast, and He
turned water into wine. And you hear
people say, “Yeah, that’s the first miracle, He turned the water into wine,”
but that’s not entirely accurate, because, you see, the very birth of the Lord
was the first miracle, if you want to get right down to it. The Virgin Birth, and the angels coming out
to sing about it, to signify what was going on; you’d have to say that that was
the first miracle, maybe. And you would
have to say that he did have some earlier miracles, too, after all, he did go
into the Temple when He was twelve, and He had all this wisdom and knowledge,
and, no, they didn’t have schools like they do now. And He walked in there, and the teachers were
amazed. Those that knew the Law, they
were amazed at the knowledge and the wisdom and the understanding that came
forth from Him, so you’d have to say that was pretty miraculous, too. Then you have the account where, before He
went up to the feast as He sat here, now, He said, “My time is not yet come,”
but it talked about His siblings said, “Hey, why don’t you just go up and show
yourself, so everybody will know?” so He must have done some miracles at
home. Then if you like the cartoon, the
little drummer boy, of course, when He was a little baby, He healed the lamb that
got run over by the cart. Yeah, it’s an
old cartoon. They say that this was the
first miracle, but, of course, the Lord had been doing miracles all along. But, before we go and highlight
that, we’re talking about mothers today.
If we’re talking about mothers, then we need to bring up a couple of
points: You see, it’s very interesting
that they said that there’s no wine, and she saw that there’s no wine, and what
did she do? She went over and talked to
the Lord, and said, “They have no wine,” and He said, “Woman, mine hour is not
yet come. What do I have to do with
that?” But you see the power that a
mother had, that she could entreat the Lord before the time was supposed to
start. So, there is a power that resides
in moms. And they said, “This is—this
that You brought forth, this is the greatest thing around here. This
wine for the feast, why did you wait so long to give it to us?” It wasn’t about Him getting all the glory; it
says the only ones that knew it were those that served it, and his mom. And Mary.
And you know what she said? She
went over to Him, and after He told her, she went to the servants and said,
“Listen to my Boy. Listen, whatever he
tells you to do, do it.” So, the mother,
here, is supporting the Son. Supporting
the Child. Amen. And so, you would have to say that the
desire, the desire that a mom has for her children can be an impossible,
powerful, powerful thing. Our next Scripture; the Bible says
here: Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without
repentance. The gifts, with an ‘s,’ and
calling of God are without repentance. In other words, if God gives it to you, you
can’t say, “God, I want to change this to something else.” And we talk about the great gifts of God,
because who knows how to give a better gift than God? We talk about them: the gift of prophecy, the
gift of healing, and the gift of wisdom, the gift of works; we talk about
them. We talk about His great gifts: the
gift of compassion, the gift of comfort, the gift of Him just giving you what
you need when you need it. Them
gifts. And we talk about His
callings: Prophets, and teachers, and
elders, and pastors, and Apostles, and we talk about them, and they’re all
great and wonderful things that God gives.
Gifts and calling. He gives us a
calling. But I want to talk about another
calling that the Lord gives; I’m going to talk about the calling, and, yes, and
the gift, of motherhood. The calling and
the gift of motherhood. It’s easy to
pass on by. It’s easy to say, “Yeah,
well, if the ratings are about right, half the people have to be men, so the
other half have to be women, and, if the ratings are about right, you know, the
women have children, and then, half of them are going to be boys, and, half of
them are going to be girls, and, so, there’s no reason to make a big deal about
a calling for motherhood.” I beg to
differ. God didn’t give it for no reason
at all; in fact, God gave it specifically for a reason, the calling of
motherhood. You know, the Bible says, “…the
gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” And then it says that He gives to every man a
measure of faith (Romans 12:3). He gives
to everybody a measure of faith. And,
also, with that faith, He also gives a measure of discerning. He gives us a measure of discerning. So, if the Bible says that His Spirit would
be poured out on all flesh, as it says, “In the latter days, My Spirit will be
poured out on all flesh,” (Joel 2:28) and He gives to every man a measure of
faith, and he gives to us a measure of discernment, specifically, that that
Spirit that He gives us is poured out, it’s for us to be led and guided,
according to the Bible, unto all truth (John 16:13). It’s to be guided unto all truth,
specifically, how to find and get to God.
God gives us the way, the reason, the resources to get to Him, and those
all called faith and discerning, discerning being able to see which way to go,
and which way not to go. All we have to
is ask, and God sharpens our eye. So, as God gives us these gifts,
and calling, and faith, and the discerning, to seek Him out, in that
discerning, he also gives to moms, in their calling, He gives them a measure of
discerning. And, you know, society, and
civilizations, and, especially men, we try to put a name on that. Intuition…
Sometimes we don’t know what to call it.
It’s a mom thing, it’s a woman thing, you know. It’s going on and they’re doing something,
and I can’t explain it, you know, it’s just something that women have. And, so, ultimately, there is a
reason why God gives this to them.
Because, as they have children—and, yes, this is going to tie in—as they
have children, with that discerning, moms can see things over their children. Yes, they can. And, if they say, “Well, I don’t know about…”
all they have to do is ask God to tune it in.
And you ask any mom, and they’ll say, “Well, my child is like this. They’ve got this certain thing going on, and
I can see, if they would apply themselves, what they could do; what they could
be, I can see it!” And moms have that
kind of discerning, and they also have the kind of discerning to say, “You
know, my child, he’s kind of weak in this area,” or, “She’s kind of weak in
that area,” or, “This is the thing that they need protection from, so I’m going
to try to provide some sort of way for them not to fall in these
antithesis.” And moms try their best; we
know they do. This is not a perfect world. If it were a perfect world, then everything
that moms do would be perfect, and their children would turn out perfect, and
generation after generation, and we wouldn’t have needed to have the blood of
Jesus applied to our lives. This is not
a perfect world, and, since it’s not a perfect world, He has had to put that in
moms. And this is not a new thing. This is not a new thing that God would put
the ability to comfort and the potential to be able to see that in
children. Moms display that. Fathers can, too, but this ain’t Father’s
Day, this is Mother’s Day. Yes, they
can, and there’s a whole dialect with that, but this ain’t their day. Okay?
This is Mom’s Day, and there’s a reason that it was given to them. To be able to see, “They need protection from
that,” and, “They need to stay away from that,” and, “This is coming along, and
I’m going to make sure they don’t get involved.” There’s a reason for that, because they
aren’t the first ones to have that. The
first one to have that as the Lord who made His own children. He sees the kind of things that His children
would fall to. He sees the kind of
things that His children, of great potential, and He sees when he puts His
Spirit in them, ad breathes the breath of life, “Oh, if they would just cry out
to Me, you know what I’ve got for them.
Oh, if they would turn to me, I could wash them and make them so clean. Oh, if they would just follow me, I would
turn their lives around, change it, and make it completely different.” Yeah, moms aren’t the first ones to have this
discerning, so, actually, God gave a portion of Himself to mothers, so give
them the ability to discern out things.
And, you know society gets a little jumpy about that. They say, “Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
you know what you call that? You call
that tiger moms, or you call them mama bears, because we don’t know another way
to express it. So, we come up with this
euphemism, and say, ‘This is the only way I can explain it,’” when what we
should say is, “Oh, God put that in them, and that’s what that’s all
about.” Okay, now let’s move on. Now that we know God’s got that under
control, all we need to do is support them and do what we’re supposed to do. And, something else that God has
given them. We’ve seen it over and over;
we’ve seen it many times. And, as some
of our sisters came up here and testified, you know, God has also given our
moms a great big reservoir—most of them, not everybody, but most of them—a
great big reservoir, a great big gulf inside of them, a great big vast
container, and filled it with love, you know?
Filled it with some kind of love, because, I know I ain’t got that. I need to go to God every time I need some more
love, but they seem to just draw it. You
see sometimes when a mom gets her heart broken by her children, just broke! A child can turn around and say something, and
it’s so out of place, just off-the-cuff, because they feel like saying it, and
you can see it’s like they took a hit—Boom!—and then recover, and they still
have something in the tank. Instead of
cutting them off, shipping them someplace where they’ll never see them again,
they’re able to recover. Yeah. God put that in them, because God has that
for His own children. And, you know, if
God has put that in there, it is to remain.
And, yes, we know that this is not a perfect world, this isn’t a perfect
world, but God put that in there, and I can attest, I am a personal—I would say
a witness, but I’m actually more than a witness, I’m a participant—I am a
person that wishes he could take back some of the things that he said to his
own mom, at those times, and how finally, later on, understand. Later on, I understand. Wow, God really gave me the right one; He
really did something for me. I want to speak on a little bit of
an unpopular subject this morning. I
want to speak on a little bit of an unpopular subject this morning. I am from a place called Baltimore. As I said, they have been in the news a whole
lot lately, with the riots and all of that.
They say that in Baltimore, the—yeah, I’m telling on my city, here—they
say that the teen pregnancy is somewhere around 50%. You’d have to be there to believe it. 50%. And they said 16%--that’s one out of six—16%
of teens have both a mother and a father in the house. One-sixth.
It shows the plight of the city.
It shows the plight of the city.
That means that there’s going to be several—there’s going to be several
moms that are going to be single moms; they’re going to be raising their kids
alone. I tell you what, that is part of
the attack of the devil. That’s part of
the devil’s attack. Yes, that they would
be feeling so alone, and feeling so helpless, and feeling like, “I can’t reach
the bottom, but, whatever it takes, two, three jobs, because it doesn’t matter,
I’ve got to take care of my own kids.”
I see that; I see that. But, I’m
going to talk a little bit about this attack of the devil. So, we know that that bond that God put there,
between a mother and child, that bond that, put there, started in triple
darkness, they say, in the womb where no eye can see—it starts, and they send a
camera up there, but they don’t know how it exactly started. They don’t know that true spark. That’s where God started it. And so, the birth comes out, and the whole
time of the pregnancy, and then the birth, the whole time there’s a connection
made, and that connection has a lot to do with love. Just like us, when we were all created and
came forth from God. That connection has
a lot to do with what they call maternal love.
Mom is kind of hard to understand, if you’re not a woman. I mean, born a woman. So—I’m going to leave that alone for the
time. So, when that connection is made,
that maternal thing is made, it’s just a semblance of what God has done for His
own people, but there’s a type of love, there.
And, in that attack from the devil, you see, if that maternal kind of
love, and the Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:8), and we know that the
devil is in opposition to everything that God is, if God is love, and there’s a
love between a mother and a child, then the devil is in opposition to that
love. He’s there to break it up; yes,
he’s there to break up the love between a husband and a wife, yes, he’s there
to break up the love in a family, yes, he’s there to break up the love between
a father and his children, also, but, this morning we’re talking about—this
morning, yes, we’re talking about him trying to break up maternal love. He’s trying to break it up. Is there a way around that? Is there a remedy for that? Is there some way that we can gain access
through an attack of the devil? Thanks
be to God; yes there is. Yes, there
is. “Well, what would be the
answer?” The answer is the Lord Jesus
Christ, who knows no failure. How can
there be an answer when you’re feeling so low, and so hurt, and so tossed
around, and, sometimes, so just plain jacked up? The answer, the answer, He said, is to come unto
Him, all of us who labor and are heavy-laden, and He will give us rest (Matthew
11:28). That’s a promise. That’s a promise. He will give us the rest that we need for our
souls. To take His yoke upon us, and to
learn of him, for His yoke is easy, and His burden is light, and we shall find
rest to our souls (Matthew 11:29-30).
Yes, that is the remedy. The
remedy is the Lord Jesus Christ. “What
about the ones who suffer after the child is born, and they have depression,
and they have mental illness, and the have post-partum, and it sends them to
terrible places? What is the answer
there?” The answer there is the Lord
Jesus Christ. Because he said that if we
would come to Him, all we that labor and are heavy laden, He will give you
rest. Yes, the same Scripture, the same
answer, and, as anybody can tell you who’s ever tried it, it works! He’s good at it. Cast all your care upon Him, every one of
them, because He careth for us (1 Peter 5:7). So, I want to talk about a
motherly attitude; two more things I want to talk about here: As I said, I’m from Baltimore, and, there’s
some stuff going on there, and they’ve got this video—and I had to bring this
up—they’ve got this video of this bonding moment. Her name is Toya Graham, and she didn’t
care. They had a conversation, she knew
that things were tense, they’d already said what they were going to do, she
knew what was going on, she told her son, “My child, look, don’t you go down
there and get in trouble.” He said, “I
promise, mom, I promise.” She said, “If
you do, I’m coming to get you.” He said,
“Don’t worry about it, mom, don’t worry, I ain’t going to get in no
trouble.” So, as the case was, she heard
that they let school out early, and she said, “I’m going to go down there, just
in case my son is there.” And she went
down there in the middle of a riot! In
the middle of a riot of crazy people!
She wasn’t looking for nobody but her own child. She wasn’t looking for nobody else, and when
she found him, she wanted to demonstrate her love. If you were to hear the soundtrack with the
whole picture, there’s a lot of bleeping out, but she said, “I told you if you
came down here, I was going to come down to get you! Ain’t no riot, no snow, no wind, rain;
nothing is stopping me from getting to you." In this picture, she’s kind of jacking him
up. I’m telling the truth. I’m from Baltimore; I’ve been jacked up, too,
okay? The other people are looking
around; they’re afraid that their on moms are going to come down there and
start jacking things up. When they went
to tell her, “Hey, look, you’ve got child abuse, is that necessary?” She said, “Look, this is a riot, and the
police aren’t going to do this much. She
said, “My son ain’t perfect, but he’s mine!
And my responsibility means he comes to my home!” Lo and behold,
they didn’t have anything else to say.
Am I a big advocate of corporal punishment? no comment; I’ll say it like
that. But, I wanted to express that
sometimes, sometimes you see moms doing thing that you say, “Well, I wouldn’t
have done that.” Well, you aren’t that
child’s mother. Or father. If anything, pray for them. God give them understanding, God give them
healing, God give them strength, God give them a way. You know? And, unless you’re going to pay
their rent, and be there twenty-four seven, what you going to say? Anyway, I made that point. So, that is Baltimore, and that, sometimes,
got people to talking, and, sometimes—I don’t know if any of y’all can
identify, because I don’t know of anybody else here from Baltimore, but,
sometimes, a little jacking up can go a long way. I’m just saying. ![]() Toya Graham
is captured in a video slapping her 16-year-old son April 27 for throwing rocks
at police in the Freddie Gray protests in Baltimore. Our
next Scripture; we’re going to be talking about another mother. Matthew 20:20-23 Then came to
Him the mother of Zebedee's children with her sons, worshipping Him, and
desiring a certain thing of Him. . And He said unto her, What wilt thou? She saith unto him, Grant that these
my two sons may sit, the one on Thy right hand, and the other on the left, in Thy
kingdom. But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that
I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?
They say unto Him, We are able. And He
saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of My cup, and
be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on My right
hand, and on My left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for
whom it is prepared of My Father. So, we see here that there is
another mother, and we look at the Scripture and the wife of Zebedee, her name
was Salome. If we were to read on, in
each one of the Gospels, she is there at the death, burial and resurrection of
the Lord. She was one of the women that
went down there to take care of the body.
Salome. She went to the
Lord. That had to be a conversation.
That had to be a conversation. But, the
Lord said, “What wilt thou?” and she said,
“Grant that these my sons may sit, one on the right hand, and the other on the
left, in Thy kingdom.” Can you imagine the precursor to
this? Because those were her sons. She had to say, “Hey, let me tell you what I
want you to do. That’s the Lord over
there. You know Him, you work with Him;
ask for the best seats in the House. Look,
I want you to ask to sit right next to Him."- And you know what James and
John must have said—the sons of thunder (Mark 3:17)—they must have said, "Umm,
mom, this ain’t how that works. You
know, we are disciples. We don’t just
come up and ask for stuff, you know?" So, you know what her answer must have
been: "What? My kids ain’t gonna… I'll do it. I'll do it.
" You know what that conversation
could have been like. And, in the
humblest of hearts, and I know that Salome must have been a wonderful person. She must have been; James and John were able
to follow what somebody taught them.
Both discipline, and love, and obeisance. Somebody must have taught them that; Zebedee
and Salome. Somebody had to teach them, if
both brothers are out there following the Lord.
So, you know that in her, was that make up, and, so, you know, as she
humbly went to the Lord, she said, “Grant that these two, my sons, should…” She wasn’t asking for herself; she wasn’t
asking for her husband. She was asking
for her children. “Grant that these two,
my sons, my kids… All the disciples,
they’re good people, they’re wonderful, Lord.
They are. But my kids need to sit with you. I want them to have—I want everybody else to
have a wonderful time, I want it to be great for them, but I want the best for my children. And I want them, one on the right, and one on
the left.” And the Lord said, “You don’t
even know what you’re asking.” And, yet,
she asked. “You don’t even know… Are you able to drink of My cup and be
baptized by My baptism?” And, now, she
doesn’t have to answer for them. Now
they’ve got a little gruff in their craw.
Now they’ve got a little better confidence. Now they see, “Oh, ma don’t have to do
everything for me.” Now they say, “We
are able; we are able.” And He says, “Ye
shall indeed drink of My cup, and be baptized with My baptism…” because of
mom. Because of mom saying, “Hey, my
kids, they can have the best. My kids,
they don’t need to sit in the back. My
kids can be taught, and they can demonstrate.
I have taught them to do so.”
Salome. Salome. Another woman of God looking out for her
kids. We want to address another thing
before we leave. His being such an
imperfect world, as we said before, not everyone has that ideal relationship
that you would think we could all have with their moms. Not everyone has the silk-stocking street where
they live on, and, you know, the great big old house, and the wonderful fence,
and the two pets, and the windows that are just right, and the house that never
needs cleaning, you know, not everybody has that. And, not everybody has the mom that never has
to work, because there’s plenty of money coming around, and she has the perfect
discerning, because whenever you have a problem, she’s all ears. Not everybody has that. We know, we know, because this is such an
imperfect world. In fact, we know that, on
some levels, that attack is so, so severe, that attack of Satan, that it has
estranged moms and children. We know
that. We know that his attack is so
severe that it’s even mentioned in the Book of Revelation, where it talks about
that there was a woman, and how she brought forth a man-child, but the dragon
was waiting to consume them. And, yes,
we know that that’s actually talking about the church, to bring forth a Messiah. We know that.
But it uses the instance, it uses the example of a woman and her child
to let everybody know that Satan is on the attack on this. Yeah, it’s talking about the church, and it’s
talking about the Messiah, how that anybody how tries to become like Christ,
you’re going to be persecuted. But, it uses
the example of a mother and her child to let everyone know that the dragon is
after that. It’s going to persecute, it’s
going to try and swallow you up, the Bible says, and the Bible says it threw up
a flood after them to swallow them up. A
flood of everything from disobedience and perversion to ignorance and just
plain craziness; drugs and malarkey-ness, inattentiveness, and just
straight-out rebellion. Just pick a
flavor. And it’s just going out after
that whole relationship. But, the Bible
says that God had prepared a place for their safety. God has prepared a place for safety for all
moms and children. You’ve just got to
talk to Him, and ask Him for it; He will provide. That is truth. That is valid. You know, some of the estranged
relationships have been really hard. I’m
just going to say a quick glance on that, because, the truth is, it hurts both
sides, and sometimes—I talk to this person, and he told me he hadn’t talked to
his parents in over twenty years, and I wondered how that could be, you
know? I don’t know, it wasn’t my family,
so I couldn’t speak to that, except to say, “Would you like me to pray for
that? Because I am persuaded that there
is an answer. I am persuaded that the
division between the two of you is so severe it did not just come from the two
of you, it came from someplace else.”
And he asked, and, believe it or not, the relationship didn’t become
completely restored, but there was communication made, all of the sudden, there
is hope, there is a bridge, there is hope in a situation that was
hopeless. So, for families in situations
and relationships that—even tough ones, even really, really hard ones—I want to
say, God specializes in the tough ones.
If He could make a bridge in the middle of the sea, bring a million
people through it, all day and all night, provide them protection, that the
enemy couldn’t get to them, and, then, after they were delivered, swallow up
that entire enemy in that same deliverance, then surely God can look upon the
plight of our affliction and speak to it and go upon the soul. But, I’ve also seen mothers, and I
want to give them all the credit, who, even when their bodies have betrayed
them, and the body wouldn’t let them become a mother, you would see their heart
would. You would see them open adopt, and you would see them, “Well, I need to
teach, I need to be around, I need to have some nurturing that I could give. And you would see them be successful. Why? because God had already put it inside
them, no matter what the obstacle was, there. So, on this great and wonderful
day, I just want to say, if you’re here, and your mom has gone on, has passed
on, I want to say, may the Lord send unto you His own Comforter, His Comforter
to bless you and keep you on days such as this, because it’s not just Mother’s
Day, for any of us who were there, it’s not just Mother’s Day. Sometimes it’s several days, and sometimes,
it’s several times a day. But, I say
again, the Great Comforter is specializing in being able to comfort. If your mom is alive, speak a
blessing to her; if there’s any estranged here, speak a blessing for her, for her. I don’t need to know what the problem
is. But the Bible tells us that we need
to bless and pray for our enemies, and surely, surely, we can have a blessing
for that which we came from. And for all of our mothers that
are here today, may God continue to pour out His Spirit of Himself to
strengthen you, to anoint you wherever you may be. Amen. Let’s give the Lord a praise.