“Have You Achieved the Purpose?”

By Brother Kenneth Ray

June 5th, 2011

 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.  

In March, we talked about ‘Trust.’  In April, our subject was, ‘Pursue After It.’  In May, it was ‘Commitment.’  This month, our topic is, ‘Have You Achieved the Purpose?’

‘Purpose’ is defined as:  Something one intends to get or do. OR The object for which something exists or is done.

‘Achieve’ means:  to do, succeed in doing. OR To get or reach by exertion, attain, gain, as in, “To achieve one’s goals.”

 Ecclesiastes 3:1           …a time to every purpose under Heaven.

 Are you achieving the purpose that God has for you?  Maybe your purpose this morning was to get coffee.  Or maybe your purpose was to get everyone ready for church.  Sometimes that’s difficult.  I know that on Sunday mornings, the bathroom gets to be prime real estate.  Maybe your purpose was to get here on time.  Did you get here on time?  Then you accomplished one of your purposes this morning.  We need to start small and work our way up.

This topic is the end of a four part series that began in March.  We are not going to talk about any of these things next month.  Look forward to see what God has in store.  God has more purpose for you; God has more achievements in mind for you.  He wants to use you; maybe you’re the extra ingredient to help someone see something that they’ve never seen before.  You may think that you’re not capable of that, but in God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26).

 John 19:30      It is finished

 The question that arises is, what’s finished?  What purpose was accomplished?  What we know about what was taking place at this point was that Jesus was on the cross, and He was close to death.  In order to understand what purpose was accomplished, we have to understand what the goal was.  Let’s look at what the Scriptures say He was supposed to be here for:

 John 3:16        For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

 What was Jesus’ purpose?

 Matthew 1:21  …for He shall save His people from their sins.

 I have a list of some of the other Scriptures that talk about Jesus’ purpose, but, what I want you to understand about His death on the cross is that at this point, the whole world is not saved.  In dying, He ripped the veil (Mark 15:38), so that now you and I have access to God.  That is what was accomplished; the door was opened, but it’s still up to us to run through it.  In God, not everything is cut and dried.  Many people, myself included, have been guilty of saying that, “All you have to do is…”  believe, or confess, or get baptized, or ask God for forgiveness…  And you do have to do all of those things, but, if any one of those things were all you had to do, He would have said so.  God sent Jesus to make a way, but that phase of God’s plan didn’t stop right there at the crucifixion.

 Acts 2:38         …baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins…

 Baptism is not the end of the line; it’s not the fulfillment of your purpose.  It is the starting line; until you do that, you aren’t even in the game.  He will not live in an unclean temple.  You’ve heard the expression, “Forgive and forget?”  Well, remission is the ‘forget’ part.  If you’re offended at something that I have said, let me just say that if you are offended at something that was Biblical, then I can’t apologize for that.  Now, if you’re offended at something that just came out of my big fat mouth that’s just me, well, let me know, and I will apologize for that, but I’m not going to apologize for what the Bible says.  Your start in Christ begins with baptism.  Did I leave something out? Probably, but I only have so much time, I can’t cover every little detail in one sermon.

More is required of us than just one act alone.  What we need to do is to create a relationship where you are dependent upon God, and independent of the world.  More was required of Christ as well.  When you buy a new computer system, what comes with it? Support for that system.  We were made in the image of God, but we still need support.  Jesus knew that you would need support, so when they took Him down and placed Him in the grave, this could not become the final stop.  In dying, He opened the door; in resurrecting, He provided support.

 John 14:26      the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father shall send in My name

 The Comforter, that support, would not have happened if He had stopped at the grave.  And what support that is:  He shall bring all things to your remembrance?  Sign me up for that.

 Proverbs 24:16           For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again…

 That’s why God knew that you needed support.  Notice that it doesn’t say that a kind of just man will fall, or that a sort of just man will fall; it says that a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again.  So it’s not a question of whether you will fall, you will; it’s a question of who will you listen to when you fall:  The Holy Ghost, or the father of lies?  They’re both going to be whispering to you.

 John 16:7        for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you

 As a Christian, you will face trials, but some days are treasures.  You will have valleys and mountaintops.  Because of the Holy Ghost, we have help to handle them all.  We have a bad tendency to talk about the temptations that we face, but we should also talk about the good days that God gives us.  Particularly with those that don’t know Him.  He does want to see them saved.  He does want to be the light of their world.  He does want to be the top of everything in your life.

I want to share a secret.  The Holy Ghost is here, and Jesus went away to prepare a place for us.  Does there seem to be always one more thing to do?  Jesus knows how you feel; He died for us, He sent the Holy Ghost for us, He went to prepare a place for us… but He did it happily.

Here is the secret:  We are meant to focus on that place that He is preparing, and on getting there, not simply this life and living it.  It’s more than just coming to church or serving on a committee.

 Matthew 25:34            inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

             Our purposes—both Godly and personal—require us to keep our hands to the plow, not looking back or side to side, but looking beyond this world, this place, and this time, to the fulfillment of what we are meant to be and what is meant for us.

                             Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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