"God's Word, Our Heritage"

By Brother Parrish Lee

July 5th, 2015

 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.  

When Sister Alma came up here, and, I remember seeing here, I remember seeing her walk with the cane, and, boy, she looked really bad, and I thought to myself, “She really looks bad off.”  And, I remember, I was there at the practice when Brother Bill just stopped everything and he—you know Bill, he doesn’t really complain a whole lot about stuff like that.  We were there in practice, we were there in practice when he said, “I just can’t go on.”  He was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to play his horn, because he feels like God’s given him that gift.  And I was there, after we prayed, and his eyes got about as big as, I don’t know, saucers, and he said, “Hey, hey, hey, hey!  Everybody!”  Because it was a big deal that God healed him.  And I was there when Brother Greg called, and we could hear Alma laughing in the background, and we were trying to figure out what was going on, and he said, “I know we just prayed, but she won’t stop laughing because she just got flat-out happy in God for what He has done for her.”  How many knows?  How many are a witness for what God has done for you?  And you can’t say, “Aw, that was just something that happened,” because you know that God did that for me.

I’m very, very, very, very, very thankful this morning to be in the house of God.  To be in the house of worship, to know Him as the Lord and Savior…  I’m just thankful to be saved, today.  I’ve got a lot of things that I’m thankful for, but, above all, I am thankful to know the Lord as my personal Savior.  Strip everything else away; I’ve got a hope that fadeth not away.  Everything else is gone, and I know that when I open my eyes on the other side, I won’t be disappointed.  Heartbroke, tears might fall, maybe a time of no understanding, but I know the Lord is my provider.  I know He will never fail.  I might not understand, I might get a little—I don’t know—sometimes you might get some food that you don’t like, and then it just sets your whole day off.  I don’t if anybody else is like that, but when it ain’t like what I want it to be like, it kind of makes you upset.  And it’s amazing, it’s amazing, no matter what’s off, all you have to do is turn your eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh our help (Psalms 121:1), because our help cometh from the Lord, and everything else just seem different.  Things change when you get to focusing on Jesus.  Things don’t look the same anymore when you get to look through the eyes of the Lord.

Giving honor to God who is the Head of my life, our maker, our creator, the lover of our souls, our Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, our Advocate, the One who has never failed, the One who made the universe and dwells on the inside of those who ask Him to, the One who doesn’t yank the door open, but stands and knocks.  Giving honor to the Compassionate One, the One who knows how to talk, how to give you what you really need—not necessarily what you want, because your wants can get you in trouble—but how to give you what you need, and you’re able to look back, and just say, “Thank You, Jesus.  Thank You, thank You, God.”  Giving honor to that risen Savior.  2015.  July fifth.  Still in the saving business.  Giving honor to Him.

I don’t feel like I’ve been a Christian very long.  I don’t feel like I’ve been a Christian very long at all.  I feel like I’m a little bit behind.  Really, I do; Actually, I feel like I should really be doing something for God.  I really feel like, in the vastness of God, the vastness, the enormity of what He is, and what He gives, and what He shows, and, yes, the Bible says that the Heavens will roll away as a scroll, but so many times He just pulls the shades away from your eyes and shows you, shows you, “I have so much for you, if you would just come and ask.”

Giving honor to that God.  Giving honor to our founding pastor, his family; to our pastor, he and his family were up here just two weeks ago, and what a wonderful time it was.  And, the prayer was that they would minister and be ministered to in the same fashion, that it would be something that they could take home.  And, you know, what I heard from that visit as that even Jim O. has never been like he was when he was here.  I’ve heard that he never gets like that down there, and that God gave him something special, that he was able to have a break-through that he had been looking for, for a long time.  That’s what I heard.  Giving honor to all of those who have paved the way, stood in the gap to make up the hedge, because we have to give honor to those who were before us.  We didn’t pave the way for ourselves.  We have to give honor to those—not criticize, not critique, and not stand in judgment, because God didn’t call us to be a judge.  The Bible says there is Law-giver and one Judge, and He can judge.  Thank You, Jesus.  Amen?  Amen?

This month, it has been deemed that we would talk about sound doctrine this month.  Sound doctrine.  The Scripture is from the Book of Titus:

Titus 2:1               But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:

Speak thou the things which become sound doctrine.  That is our theme for the month, but we are going to actually talk, we’re going to start from the Book of Galatians, our scripture thought for the day:

Galatians 5:1     Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

If we could just bow our heads for just a moment.  Lord, we are just overwhelmed by Your goodness, and Your mercy, and Your kindness.  God, we are overwhelmed with who You are.  We stand before You, Lord, and we are continually amazed, and we want to be amazed, God.  We want you to shower down on us.  God we thank You for a time of coming to praise and worship.  We thank You for this wonderful country that You have allowed us to be in.  To be able to show up in this country; not to be arrested for speaking Your name, Lord.  To be able to open our mouths and give you praise and not worry if somebody’s going to beat us, or kick us out, or try and hunt us down.  We thank You for these liberties and these opportunities, and, Lord, yes, we stand fast there.  God, we ask that You bless us during our praise and worship.  We ask, as You said in Your Word, that Your Word would not return unto You void, but would surely accomplish that to which You sent it, that we all might be benefitted thereby.  God, we thank You and praise You for all Your good and perfect gifts.  This we do pray and claim in Jesus’ name, and everyone said amen.

Brother Andy, as was mentioned in prayer, Brother Andy and Sister Sonia, they’re out of town today.  And, when somebody’s out of town, it’s a good practice to just keep them in prayer.  Keep them in prayer for travelling mercies; keep them in prayer for whatever mission it is that they are on.  Because, we might go for a certain purpose, but God could have ulterior purposes all the time.  There’s no shortage or handicap in God.  He doesn’t put things on hold.  He, according to the Bible, waits for the true worshipper to worship Him.  It’s not us waiting on God so much as it is Him waiting on us.  And, for those brothers and sisters that we had, that are in need of prayer, and truly there are many prayer needs.  God showed me recently that one of the needs that I didn’t pray for, but I could complain about, was this great nation that we’re in.  This great country that we’re in.  Instead of throwing out complaints—Christians actually have the power to pray and see things changed.  Christians have that.  And, so, that’s where we’re called today.  I had a—I just recently came back from a visit with my family, and they asked about the church, they asked how the church was doing, many of them have visited before.  My aunt, she’s older than me, and she was telling me about how she’d gone to worship, and, you know, Brother Patrick, he’s under Andy, and he’s learning how to play stringed instruments, and his father is mighty proud of that, but my aunt said, you know, she went down south to where our family’s from, in Columbia, South Carolina.  The sticks of Columbia, South Carolina.  She said, “I went to church with them, and, Parrish, they had a—“ true statement—“They had a guitar that had two strings, and they had a washboard.  A washboard.”  And she said they tore it up, because they showed up with a heart of worship.  She came back, and she said, “They just worshipped.”  And that shouldn’t be any amazement.  It shouldn’t have been an amazement to me, because, whenever the true worshippers show up to worship God, where two or three are gathered together, there He is in the midst, according to the Bible (Matthew 18:20). 

Part 1: Our Godly Heritage

Our sister, Mary, read the preamble to the constitution, where it says:


We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


This is just part of the message, but it is a part that must be talked about.  Our Godly heritage.     You know, among the things that our Founding Fathers faced was they wanted to have a government that was big enough to govern people, a government that was big enough to govern people, and yet not so big that it would forget the people.  If we were to go back, we would see that what they came up with was the Bill of Rights.  They came up with the Bill of Rights, so that every individual in the country would have rights.

And they knew that this particular time was a turning point in history.  They knew that.  Many times, you’re at a place and you know, “Right now, this is a real decision for my life.  I’m about to make a choice, here, that could affect so many things.”  Well, they knew that this was a particular turning point in history.  They knew that this was a specific time, and they had seen, they had seen governments form, and they knew, they knew that governments, by and large, come to be because of wars—somebody’s a winner, somebody’s a loser, either way, somebody gets assimilated, and the government has to either grow or change—or chance and happenstance—great disasters, things that come along and shake the foundations of what’s going on, and their governing system has to change.  They knew that, so they knew that they had to be careful how they selected what they were going to use to govern the people.

And they came up with something, it was called the articles of Confederation, and at the time, there were the thirteen states, and the states were, by and large, individual entities, but, they knew they needed something that, at times, would bring them together.  They knew that sometimes they needed to be alone, but sometimes they needed to be as one; foreign policies, wars, other dictates—maybe one state was stronger in one thing and they needed to be able to come together and have decisions that were common amongst the people.  So they knew this, and they knew that this was a crucial time.  Well, they came up with those Articles of Confederation.  What had happened there were a few uprisings.  People didn’t want to pay taxes; they didn’t want to be accountable to anything, they felt like, “I got a stake in the land, I don’t want you telling me how to do anything at all.  And they actually revolted, the revolted against the local governing bodies, and they saw that what they had in the Articles of Confederation wasn’t big or strong enough, didn’t accomplish enough to have a sufficient governing system that was adequate for the people, so they had to have something else.  So, they decided to convene, and what they came up with was a Constitutional conference.  A Constitutional conference.  And, not everybody had faith in it, not everybody had faith in it.  And I’m getting to a point.  Not everybody had faith in it, but those who did have faith in it came, and it wasn’t just one conference, it was several conferences.  But hey had to come together, make the right decisions, seek out what would be best, and there was many times there was some hot-headedness, there was some anger, there was a lot of—well, I don’t want to say arguing, but if you want to say arguing with sticks, you could say there were some confrontations, if you will.  They had to decide what was going to happen, but, one of the things that was counted amongst the early fathers of the nation, was that, although they were individuals, and it was understood that they were all individuals, they were all God-fearing people.  They didn’t believe exactly the same; they knew they needed to believe in the universal God.  And they knew religious morality; religious morality was needed for the people, so they knew this constitution was going to have to have a base, and something to do with respect and honor towards God.  They knew that, but they also knew—they had seen—this was the 1700’s, they were well aware that there were times of reformations, and inquisitions, and there were times when religion itself can get out of hand and start being an oppression against the people.  So they didn’t want that; they wanted the people to have the freedom to do religion on their own, but they knew that the constitution itself had to have a base in religious morality.  So, what they did was, they got together, and this is what they came up with, the Constitution of the United States of America.  Even though they were different, they knew that they had to have a common ground, somewhere in God, somewhere in the people, somewhere in a governing body, because they knew they didn’t want to have something that was too big, too strict, too hard—they had just come from that.  They had just come from what England, of course, had been over our country at that point.  They didn’t want that.  Neither did they want lawlessness and anarchy; they didn’t want that either.  They wanted something that was going to be sufficient to sustain the nation, and they came up with our Constitution.  And our Constitution, at that point, was something new.  It was new, but it’s been to the place where there’s been some changes.  But, if you look to two hundred and some-odd years ago, it’s been governing us sufficiently to withstand many things that have even happened within our own country.  And, even so much so that other nations have tried to say that, “Maybe if we duplicate it, we could maybe we can have the same success that the United States has.  WE will duplicate their government, and, therefore, we will have the same thing they have.  But, the base behind anything, they say little is much when God is in it, when God is in it.  So, just going by the words was not sufficient, they had to have the base in finding God in order to work the system.  This is our Godly heritage.

Psalms 33:12      Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance.

                It’s only needful that we needed to start out with our Godly heritage of our nation.  Being respectful for our nation that we have, and you have to give honor where honor is due, and you have to give a lot of honor to our founding fathers.  You’ve got to give honor to where honor is due, but it’s only needful that we needed to start out from this as a base, as a base.  Our Godly heritage.  But, as we talk about the things that our nation’s doing, the foundation of our nation, part two is, God’s Word is a more sure foundation than even the wonderfulness that we have as a nation.

Part 2: God's Word Is a More Sure Foundation

                Two hundred and some-odd years that our nation has been going strong.  Twenty-seven changes, with all the amendments to our Constitution, and we have still survived.  Many nations in this world have gone through many changes, several governments in that time.  There’s nations that have had more than one government in my lifetime, let alone the two-hundred-plus years that our nation has been in existence.  So, the foundation here, is what we’re talking about, of our nation has been very great, but we have a more sure foundation when we believe in Christ.

John 1:1-3           In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The same was in the beginning with God.  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

                In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  And, without that Word was nothing made that was made.  So, everything that began, began because of God’s Word.  How tremendous!  How tremendous!  Take everything back to the source.  And this is how God sees it when He looks at forever.  Everything came from Him, everything!  And, the Bible says, in verse number fourteen:

John 1:14             And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

                The Word, this Word that made everything, that was in the beginning, this Word that was with God, and was God, this Word was made flesh.  This Word that made everything, being made flesh, becomes our foundation.  Now, our country had a wonderful foundation, but it had so many changes to it, this Word has no changes.  This Word, being our foundation, what everything is based on, even things that don’t think that they’re based on the Word, you can find, they are discerned out, they are described, they are pinpointed by the Word itself.  You’re not going to run away and not think that you’re going to be under the Word.  You’ll either be under the Word for good, or you’ll be under the Word for judgment.  This Word that was made flesh, spoke:

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away.

                So, the Lord says, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away.”  This is how strong the Word is.  We build our faith, we build our foundation, we built the rock of our life on it.  Heaven and earth—everything on earth, that means that the mountains will pass away, that means that the seas—the seas and the oceans—they will pass away, that means that all the animals—all the animals will pass away, all of the plant life will pass away, the clouds will pass away, the atoms, they will pass away, all things will—even the real good stuff, even yellow cake with chocolate icing, that will pass away—and I shed a tear for that—and banana pudding, that will pass away; I can’t go on, that’s all I can handle.  But all things in earth shall pass away before His Word.  His Word, He says, will not pass away.  And not just earth; everything in Heaven will pass away before His Word.  I can’t even see—I can only imagine a little bit through a glass darkly (1 Corinthians 13:12), the Bible says, but all of that will pass away before His Word passes away.  What a promise, what a place, to place the foundation of one’s life. 

I had to get a little adamant about this; God’s really been dealing with me about some things, because, you know, we’re living in a day and time when knowledge—especially when you’ve got the internet and stuff like that—knowledge is on a tear.  It seems like—I’m the type of person, I like the Bible; I like to read it.  I like to study it.  I like to dig into it, find out what the meaning behind some stuff is.  I like to get a few other books.  I like to look into some of the ancient languages, and see what they meant.  I like to find the aura of what was going on at the time.  I like to go into the Aramaic.  I like to go into the Greek.  I like to go into the Hebrew.  I like to go into the Chaldean.  I like to look and see, “Oh, wow, man, that’s wonderful, that’s nice, that’s good—that’s so wonderful!  I like that.  But, we have to get a little plain on this:  Whether it’s Greek or Hebrew, Chaldean, Aramaic, whether it’s Spanish or English, whether it’s Arabic, whether it’s Mu-shu language, it doesn’t matter; all other books, all other references, all other times and histories, don’t compare to God’s Word.  Period.  We don’t build our lives on history; we don’t build our lives on the references.  It’s nice to know; I like to have the mindset, but, when God speaks His Word, there’s no stuttering involved.  There’s no challenges, there’s no, “Hmmm.  I better put an asterisk, in case I have to change this quote.”  Heaven and earth shall pass away before His word will change at all.  And, you know, that’s a great thing.  That’s a great thing, because, when He says, “I’m going to bless you,” then he’s going to bless you.  When He says, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you,” you know what that means?  That means that God will never leave you, nor forsake you.  He spoke in the time of Isaiah, and, yes, this was before the Lord had come, and He was in the flesh, this was before all that, but He told the people, “Though your sins—your sins, and you know what your sins are—though your sins be red like crimson, they shall be white as wool.”  So, you know what that meant?  That meant, “God’s going to take my sins way.  Yeah, though my sins were red like crimson, He is going to make them white as wool!”  What a promise!  What a promise!  Which is what they had, afar off.

And, we’ve heard another thing.  Our foundation for our nation is wonderful, but we want to talk a little bout the foundation where we build our lives.  We've heard—and, anybody who’s ever talked to people about the God that’s in your life, or the Bible that’s in your life—we’ve heard people say different things when they want to try to come up and refute the Bible, try and refute the Word of God.  They say, somebody might say, “Well, after all, the Bible was written by man.”  The Bible was written by men, but it wasn't written by men who maybe had too big of a taco dinner.  It wasn’t written by somebody who just wasn’t feeling good and had a strange dream.  It wasn’t written by anything that had to do with the will of man. 

2 Peter 1:20         Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.

                No part of the Bible is meant to be taken and just privately interpreted.  God tells us; God feeds us; God shows us.

2 Peter 1:21         For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

                Holy men spake as God moved on them.  If we had some time—I’m going to be real respectful of your time this morning—but, if we had some times, we would go to Exodus and Numbers, and we would show how the people were being delivered, and God called Moses up to the mountain, and God called him up there, and the Bible says that God wrote His commandments on the tablets of stone with the finger of God.  And he brought those tablets down, but, when he brought them down, the people made him mad, the people made him mad enough to break those tablets.  Broke them that were written by the finger of God.  God called him back up to the mountain, called him back up, spoke to Moses again, but this time, Moses had to listen and write what God told him.  If we had time, we could get into that, but we don’t have time this morning, but let’s just know that God speaks to Holy men, and they obey His Word.  That’s how we get the Word of God, not by the will of man, but Holy men as God spake to them.

There is a difference, another difference, between the basis of our nation, which is—and there’s no criticism here, I am extremely thankful for the nation that we have, I’m thankful for our Constitution; if nothing else—thank you, Brother Rob—we need to pray for our country.  If nothing else, we need to pray for the United States—the country where we are.  We pray for our house, we pray for our city, we need to pray for our state, we pray for our country.  They’re just men and women; they’re just men and women.  They need the unction of God to lead them, and who brings God in them? The people that know Him.  There’s a difference between the Constitution, which has had several amendments, and the Word of God, which knows no change.  The Bible says:

2 Timothy 3:16-17            All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

          The Word of God is a more sure foundation than any doctrine, than anybody’s words, any other textbook, any other opinion, than anything else that goes on today; God’s Word is a more sure foundation.

Part 3: God Doesn't Change

                I’ve also heard it said that there’s a different God between the Old Testament and the New Testament.  “I really don’t get it; you’ve got the God of judgment who’s wiping people out, and the God of compassion who hasn’t killed anybody, and it’s a different God, and that’s why you can’t believe anything the Bible says.”  That was a real fiery talk that a few people had with me, recently.  And, my question to them was, “Well, if you don’t understand Him, why don’t you ask Him?”  If you don’t understand what you call a different God from Old Testament to New—to me, it’s perfect truth.  To anybody who comes and receives the Lord, He brings them to the understanding that He is the same, as it says here, in the Book of Malachi: 

Malachi 3:6        For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Isn’t that wonderful?  What a promise!  “I am the Lord; I don’t change!”  Did you ever follow somebody, or maybe they’re giving you directions, and they say, “Ah, maybe I didn’t give you the right directions; maybe you should have took a left when you took a right.”  Somebody else gives you some advice, “Oh, we probably should have bought this stock, rather than that stock.”  Somebody else will say, “Maybe you should buy your lottery tickets from this store, rather than that store.”  Everybody’s got an opinion about something, but God says He gives you, give us a guarantee, “I am the Lord; I change not.”  There’s not going to be an asterisk; there’s not going to be a version 2.0.  There is not going to be a revision, when it comes to God and His Word.  What you put your life, and your faith and your understanding on today will carry you until Heaven and earth pass away.  So, when the Lord says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (11:28)  You what it means?  It means that, if we come to Him, all of us that labor and are heavy-laden, that He will give us rest, that’s what that means.  You know, when He says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)  What that really means is that God is the Way, the truth, and the Life, and that no man comes to the Father but by Him.  It means what it says, and we can be thankful for that.

We can take great comfort in knowing that God’s promises are for sure.  But we, as Christians, do have to be on guard.  We, as Christians, do have to be on guard.  We have to go to the Book of Daniel for this one.  I’m not going to talk a whole lot about this, but we have to go to the Bok of Daniel for this one.  Now, God doesn’t change; we see this in the Book of Malachi, chapter three and verse six.  He changes not.  But, in the Book of Daniel, here, it says:

Daniel 7: 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

There’s something, some essence, some person, some spirit; something is going to come that is going to think to change things, change times, change laws.  Even dates.  You know, I personally am an advocate for education and for history.  I like that stuff.  You know, education and history; I like it, but, you know who really writes history?  Those who have succeeded, those who have triumphed, they are the ones.  We live in a wonderful country; we’ve had many victories, and we have history books that talk about them.  But, if you go to some of the countries or places that were the opposing side, they don’t tell the story that we tell.  If you were to go there, we are the bad guys.  We may have taken advantage, we have done things we shouldn’t do, we were sneaky in our attacks.  If you go there, history is written, by and large, by the victors.  Nobody wants to be described in history, down through the ages, in a disadvantageous way.  So, this Scripture says that there is going to come somebody who is going to think to change things.  We’re living in a day, right now, where it seems like every time you turn around, there’s another version of the Bible.  Every time you turn around, there’s a new church with a new revelation, a new, more emphatic spirit.  You can go anywhere, you can choose just about anything, and they’re there, they’re there.  I read recently, or a little while ago, somebody said, “Well, you know, we feel that the Bible doesn’t give the animals enough credit, so we had to put a qualifier in the Bible, so, many times when it refers to God, God could be a man, a woman, or, God could be an animal, for all we know.  So, we refer to God as either he, she, or it.  You can pick whichever one you want as you read through.”  What kind of Bible is that?  And, of course, there is a Bible where they said, “Well, what if you don’t believe in God; what if you just believe in the principles?  We’re going to take God out, and then you can just use that.”  Every time you can turn around, somebody wants to say it in a way that shows it a little bit better for them, or for whatever reason.  Change dates, and times, and occasions; just change things.  That’s the day we’re living in right now.  There’s a place where it says—talking in the Book of Acts—where it says that all the Athenians, all they wanted to do was spend time listening to something new (Acts 17:21).  If it’s not new, then it’s old.  If it’s old, then it’s played out; we need to get rid of it. In fact, it was a question of whether the Bible is a living document; does it change with the times?  Is it up-to-date?  Thank You, oh Lord God Almighty, who said that, “Heaven and earth shall pass away before one jot or one title of My Words pass away.”  Thank You, Almighty God!

And, as far as being able to—we have a Supreme Court, and we have a legislative system, and we have the judicial system, and we have the executive branch.  It just seems like, sometimes, they want to argue with each other.  I don’t know.  But, they’re supposed to properly govern us, according to our laws, and according to the Constitution.  We need to pray for that.   We need to pray, because they decipher out how we live.  But, as far as deciphering out how we live in God, who teaches us God’s Word, who is the great revelator of hat God is trying to say?  Thank God, He gives one teacher, He gives one teacher, and that one teacher teaches everybody.  We call Him the Holy Ghost.  When He is come, He will lead us and guide us to all truth (John 1:13).  Well, our last Scripture is going to be from the Book of John, chapter ten.  We’re living in a day and time when it would be popular to just not pay any attention to anything that God says, but the Lord Jesus told us that His people are not that way.  God’s people are in the Book of John:

John 10:4-5         And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.  And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.

                 We know God’s voice, and a stranger’s voice we will not follow.  And, you know, you hear sometimes, you hear some strange stuff.  But, you know what God’s people say?  “That is not God, and I will not follow that.  Amen.  The Word of God.  Give the Lord a praise.


Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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