"Revisit the Blessing of Conference"

By Brother Andy Geibler

July 13th, 2014

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                It’s good to be home.  It’s good to be back here.  I’m thankful to have a leader to work with in Parrish, and we work well together.  The things that I’ve learned from him…  I jut want to say that it’s great to be back, and as I was going, and Parrish is the one I have to thank, but I want to thank all of you, because, I’ve got my phone with me, and I’m getting texts, and I’m hearing everything that’s going on, and I know the sacrifices that are made when we take twenty people from this congregation.  I want to say that you guys did a wonderful job with the absence of so many people.  It’s because we have a ministry; we don’t have a social club.  We don’t have a group of people just to have fun together; sure, we do that, but we’ve got one common cause, and that’s to see people saved.  I’m going to ask a few people to share this morning—it’s not going to be all listening to me, although I’ve got so much to share from conference that I could probably stand up here for another hour.  I’m not going to do that, at least, not today.  First, I’m going to ask my wife, Sonia Giebler, to share what she got from conference; the blessings that God gave her.


SONIA: It’s great to be home.  It was an incredible time at conference.  Andy and I are just so excited to have just recharged our batteries.  Spiritually speaking, as a husband and wife team, it was a great time to refocus on God’s plan in our life, as individuals and as a team for our ministry.  It was an awesome time of just wholesome fellowship, and a time to rekindle friendships and just be with likeminded people that love God; it’s an extended family.  We’re definitely glad to be home, because we miss you all so much.  There were so many nuggets of gold shared throughout the entire week-end, through the entire tie that we had the privilege of being there.  The focus, and the main scripture was about being an overcomer.  What does that mean to me personally, as a person?  Have I become complacent where I’m at today, with what God has called me to do?  Am I trying to have that attitude of—that negative attitude of, “I’m defeated,” that attitude of, “I can’t.”  Am I just like the scripture taught?  Am I an overcomer or am I a grasshopper?  I am so glad that God is equipping us with the tools to go out there and share with all those souls that just need to get over that hump, so that they can make it the next moment, the next day, the next hour, the next day—whatever it might be.  It might just be simple thing—I know that I harp on that a lot—but it might just be that one little talent that God gave you, to just go out of your way, even when the flesh doesn’t feel like it, to go out of your way to say hello to someone, to just hug someone, to lend a listening ear.  Those are things that, believe it or not, as outgoing, and as sociable, and as talkative as I might seem, those are things that I’ve overcome.  If you leave it up to me, I’d much rather just enjoy, and listen, and let life pass me by.  Believe it or not.  But, I know that there’s a work to be done; I know that there’s an urgency for me to go out there into this world and share of this goodness; share of the grace that God has given me to be able to be the woman of God that I am today.  I’m not perfect, by any means, but I am striving to be the woman of God, equipped, to be there, just like the women that I have come under, that have come before me, to be there to encourage, to be there to teach, to be there to just wrap my arms around—whatever the situation…  You don’t have to tell me your whole life story.  I didn’t have to tell my whole life story to many people that opened their arms and embraced me.  This is what it’s all about.  We should all have an urgency to wrap our arms around those people who God has entrusted to us, wherever we might find ourselves, so that we can be the overcomers.  I’m telling you, I’m excited; I don’t know if you can tell, I have so much to share—I took notes—I have so much to share, but, as Andy said, I’m not going to take everybody else’s time; I’m going to be a good sharer and leave some time for others.  It was a great time in the Lord, we gained a lot of great tools on how to be better leaders, how to care one for another, how to grow in God, how to just be overcomers.  Go has given us talents; we need to use them.  There is an urgency to go out there and to help each other out and spread His goodness.  Let people know that there is more to life than just having a nice pair of shoes and a nice purse, or a nice suit, like Parrish would have; there’s more to life than just those things of this earth.  That life everlasting; that price that Christ paid that none of us could.  Another thing was, is there anything standing between you and what God wants you to do?  Yes, there’s a lot of stumbling blocks on a daily basis—I recognize that, and I’m sure that you all run into that—but, God is equipping us with all those tools that putting on the armor of God will be able to defeat anything that comes our way, just like the Scripture that was our main Scripture, “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.  For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:37-39)  I’m so proud to be a part of this ministry; I’m proud to be in it with you all, and I pray that we will just take one soul at a time to further His Kingdom.  Thank you for your warm welcome to us; Andy and I are just so excited to be home, and we look forward to everything that God has for us in the next few years.


                I see Sister Donna Ferguson here; I want to catch her before she has to leave again.  I know she works a crazy schedule.  Why don’t you come on up?  I know you spent a week in Virginia; I don’t know how they did without you at work…  When Donna got there, she jumped in with both feet, and it didn’t matter that she was from out of town, it’s her ministry and she was able to jump in and do whatever was needed to do. 


DONNA:               Morning!  It’s kind of like—I don’t know—those of us who are teachers and have worked with young children, or, those of us who remember your school days, and you know the right answer and you’re sitting in your chair, and your teacher’s looking through the room, and you’re thinking, “Call me!  Call me!”  That’s kind of the way I felt, sitting in that chair; I was really hoping that Andy would call me up to share a little bit with you.  I have a lot of snapshots in my mind.  It’s kind of like Sonia was saying, it’s like your cup is just running, and there are so many things that you want to share and you want to talk about.  I think that one of the things that was really important for me—and, for me, life-changing—was, in our day-to-day lives, sometimes we get in a rut, or a routine, and we need to shake it up a little bit, and, for me, the conference shook it up a little bit.  I haven’t seen many of those people in ten years, maybe fifteen, twenty, some of them.  It was like we never lost the beat.  It was kind of like, the conversation that we ended ten years ago, we just picked it up and carried it on.  It’s a little crazy, but it’s the Spirit of God, because it rings true.  When you walk up to somebody and you resonate that Spirit that they have and that you have and it’s just that common thing that you have in common—it doesn’t matter if you’ve known that person for five minutes or ten years, fifteen years, it just is a beautiful, beautiful thing.  God just gives you something to talk about; you’ve got something in common.  One of the things I remember when we first walked through the door—just got off the plane, walked in—I remember Pastor Brand had a big video thing, and I was like, “Ray guns In the house!”  So, all of you that were not able to make it, we represented.  There were—our music department, those that were able to make it…  I know Bill Adams, Mike and Linda Alford, drove all night long, and walked right into conference.  It was a blessing to have them there.  People really sacrificed to make it, when, technically the flesh would have been okay to stay home, I’m sure.  Sonia and Andy were great representation, as far as our music department.  It was wonderful, wonderful worship.  (I don’t want to talk too long!  I have so much to say!)  For me, also, the conference was about not re-inventing the wheel.  I don’t need to re-invent the wheel—what I need to do is to go back to the basics.  That’s what the conference was about to me.  There was a time-management work-shop—there were a lot of awesome workshops; you could pick the workshop that you needed to attend, based on what your goals were, what your interests were.  They were—it wasn’t’ as  though we had hired people to come in and speak, we have been blessed with a ministry that is world-wide and, like Sonia said, many gifts and talents—people from within the ministry from all over held those workshops.  This workshop was with Rich Snow and Debbie Paine.  I just have to tell you guys, Rich Snow looks awesome.  He’s doing really great.  I don’t know if those of you who know him remember when he left here, he was very sickly.  I was concerned if he would even make it; he was really ill.  I would have never known hi when I saw him.  But, that time management workshop really helped me realize what was sucking the life out of me in certain areas.  In other areas, what I felt like I had an overflowing ability in, I could take from and manage a little bit better.  I mean, let’s face it, we all still have twenty-four hours in a day, but, sometimes in life, we don’t feel like we’re getting things done, and why?  One of the things that might go to the side might be your spiritual reading of the Bible, you prayer time, things like that; the basics kind of went to the side just a little bit, and, some of the other stuff, I realized that I was increasing it to the point that—I needed to even it out a little more.  So, I just want to say thank you so much, it was a blessing, blessing, blessing—did I say blessing?—blessing to be there.  It’s good to be back, though; it’s good to be home, worshipping with you.


                Kirk, come up and share with us, and, after that, Bill Adams.


KIRK:     Jennifer was being rebellious, and she said, “Just tell him no!”  She’s a teenager.  She just wanted to see if I would do it.  It kind of reminds me of when I was at the conference, and Pastor Paine was having different people come up and share and I didn’t know if he going to call me or not, but, I thought, “If you asked me to come up right now, I’ve got all these other things in my head, I don’t know if I’m even going to be coherent.”  Then, people are sharing their testimonies of how they got saved and so forth, and it was just kind of like, it connected all those thoughts and everything.  It all kind of came to me, and he was like, “Hey, Kirk, I know you knew that I was going to call you up,” and it was right then I knew he was going to call me up.  Anyway, the conference really is all about family.  I think that really summarizes it for me.  If you listen to the testimonies, a lot of people reconnected with their faith, and so forth.  First, I think the place that we start is just thinking, this church family, I didn’t really know if I was going to be able to go.  It was a hard decision to decide, because we have a newborn in the house, and I was going to be leaving them—the wife and the daughter to take care of him, when I was away, and that was not really a nice thing to do.  But, I also knew that there was a church family here that was looking out and making sure everything was taken care of here, so I felt confident to do that.  Getting down there, of course, getting connected, reconnected with all these people.  As Donna said, it was just right back in, and the fellowship just takes off right where you—as though you’d never gone.  It truly is a blessing.  I love to see how people are growing.  You go to these different workshops, see different people present.  The quality of information, and the amount of history that you can see that they’re learning and applying; it was really encouraging as well, as opposed to going down there and, ”Oh, that wasn’t very well prepared,” and you’re disappointed  But, of course, it was all really good.  It was great; really edifying.  So it was very encouraging.  The worst thing about the conference is that we weren’t all there.  That really makes it—you know, if you have a family reunion, and only part of the family goes, and it’s like, “What happened?  We got down there, now where’s everybody else?”  So, it’s one of those things, you know, what was encouraging about was hearing about all the blessings that were happening here, and how everybody was really ministering and sharing.  Hearing about the worship services going on, and so forth, and then coming back, and it’s like wherever you go, there’s family.  There’s no family like your immediate family, so, being here is awesome.  Being down there is also awesome, because we know—those of us who have been around long enough, we understand that we are just one big family, and we’ve stirred the put many times; we put people different places, and there really is no way of separating the threads, the connections of fellowship.  Anyway, it was great.  I was able to stay with the Ulysse’s and work with them, and that was all so—you know, I’d get to spend more time with them, but not always with the whole family—and see what they were doing.  Their kids are really getting more involved, and doing more things.  You see the years, and you see them grow up and start to establish their own ministry; it’s encouraging to see.  Jim Ottoson—one of the hopes that I had had was that we were going to get together and hang out for a little bit, but it wasn’t happening, and it wasn’t happening, there was too much going on—good things, but just keeping us occupied—and then the final day—Sunday, I left Monday morning—we were able to go out, and grab something to eat, and, again, just sitting there, it in a formal setting, just able to share and talk about what God is doing in our lives and encourage one another, and just talk about what a blessing it is to have brothers—sisters as well, but—people in the faith, and regardless of our differences or what we would think would be generally wouldn’t want to meet and sit and talk, but we would see how the presence of God and our love for the Word of God has changed us and moved in our lives and just makes us united like nothing you could ever imagine.  I could go hang out with somebody that does exercise or cycling or kettlebells, whatever it is I like to do, if they could do it, too, and that would be cool, that would be nice, kind of enjoy it, but there is nothing that recognizes like those people who go through the same thing.  I though it was kind of cool that the conference theme was about overcoming, because that’s really—if we ever have a testimony, we have something that links us together.  We have gone through all these same common battles, whatever it would be, we know what temptation is; we know what it is to see persecution, we know what it is to feel weary, and all those things.  We know what it is to have someone come and encourage you, or pray with you, or pray for you and you don’t even know it; to be edified by worship, to be edified by hearing the Word of God, and we understand all that, and that’s really what makes us the family of God that we are.  So, I’m just really thankful for that fact, and I appreciated just being there, sitting in that family, and knowing those things, knowing how some people are able to—you know, the breaking point of the family would be people that receive all these pearls, but never talk about them.  “I know you’re going through a battle; I went through that, too, but we can’t talk about that, because I don’t want to talk about what I did, how bad I was,” or whatever.  When they had those workshops—there was one I actually missed, but it doesn’t matter—there were people who were able to stand up and say, “Hey, I’ve really been working with this issue, and I need some help and encouragement and everybody else would come and rally behind them.  It’s