“Jesus Christ, the Same 2017, 2018 and Every Day”

By Brother Parrish Lee

December 31st, 2017


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I wish I could tell you how awesome it is to see y'all's faces. I wish I could express to you the warmth that I feel just knowing that I am amongst Believers, and I know what they believe. I wish I could tell you how thankful I am to be amongst people that you can say the name Jesus, and you know they're not using it as a swear word, they're not using it as a filler, they actually know who they're calling on. It is beautiful to be in the house of the Lord. I was glad, I was glad when this Sunday rolled around and I—a little scared—you know, it is Grandwood—and, you know, you do have the message—a little excited, but I can't tell you, it is wonderful to see all of y'all. Give yourselves a clap and a welcome.

I don't know, y'all might have to get a shepherd's hook out here, it's been a little over two weeks, and, it's all stored up in there. So, that's, that's, that's, that's my preliminary warning.

First, as I come up here, I do want to say, giving honor to Almighty God, our Sustainer, our Savior, the one who bore blood for us, the one who walks among us, the one who loves us unconditionally, the one who speaks to us in the still of the night and the cool of the day, in times of trouble, and in times of joy, who treats us as children. I give honor to that God. Giving honor to all of those who have come and paved the way for us in ministry, for this ministry, for all ministries that name the name of Jesus and want to hold on to the truth of His Word; giving honor to them, every single one of them. It's a precious thing. The Bible describes it as a pearl, and it says when you find it, you trade everything else away, and you hold on to it, you hide it deep within yourself that nothing could come and steal that away. A pearl of great price, the Bible says (Matthew 13:45-46). And, giving honor to all of y'all, yeah, it was sixty degrees, last week, back in Baltimore, six-zero. Got off the flight, and it was one digit. Welcome back. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. And, thank You, Lord, that my car started. Thank You, Lord; thank You, Lord. It would be a different song today if that weren't the case. Thank You, God.

I want to say, I heard some of the messages, they were sent to me by audio, and, wow! Wow! Wow!

The theme for the month—yes, it is the last day of the month, the last day, so we still have a theme for the month. And, the theme for the month, if I could ask brother Vince Stepchuk to come up here, and read it for us, it's from the Book of Isaiah, chapter nine, and verse six. And, this is the fifth Sunday of the month, so this will be the fifth time that we have heard this Scripture verse. And, we can never, truthfully, hear it enough. Brother Vinny?


Isaiah 9:6        For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder:  and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.


Thank you, brother, thank you.

Could we bow our heads, for just a moment? Almighty God, just to be able to come in Your presence, Lord, to walk and know that You are our Savior, and our Maker, and our Creator, and You love us in a way, God, that nothing else compares to. Thank You for that. Thank You as we stand here on December 31st, and we can look back over 2017, and see what great things You have done for us. Thank You for that, Almighty God. Thank You for eyes to see, a heart to feel, ears to hear, and a will to do, here, December 31st. You brought us all from a mighty long way, Almighty God! You have done it, You have done it! You alone have done it. We give You glory and honor and Majesty for every single bit of it. No one else has done for us what You have done for us. God, we extol You, we magnify You, we thank You, and praise You. And, God, we turn to You, and we ask—You told us to bring our request to You—and we ask, right now, Lord, we make our petition, God, that You would grant unto us, as You blessed us with the singing, and our worship, and the testifying, as You've blessed us to be thankful, we ask for You, God, to feed us this day. Grant it to us—according to Your Word—as You said Your Word would not return unto You void, but it will accomplish that to which You sent it. Grant it, in our lives, Grant it over our lives. Grant it every place we go. Your word is true and faithful. And, we claim that this morning, we do this, in Jesus name. And, everyone said, amen. Amen.

2017—don’t go too far, Vinny—2017, before we completely say goodbye, let's just have a look. Andy, you already started, but let's just have a look. You know what? When you said, “How many has got something to be thankful for, something that God did for them,” everybody should have been up on their feet, and said, “You know what? I can tell you about, not just in my life, I know other people that God blessed. No, they didn't deserve it, God is just that good. He's just that good. He makes sure it rains on the just, and He makes sure it rains on the unjust.” No matter what you faced in 2017, if He brought you to it, He has brought you through it. If He did it, He did it for you. That is the God that we serve. Thank You, God. Thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You. I was around some people that aren’t thankful for what He did. I can't take it, I can't take it when God is pouring it down, and people can't turn around, and say, “I didn't do that for myself. Nobody else did it for me. It must be God.” And, when they can't arrive at that, I can't take it. I've got to say something. “Well, you know you didn't do that for yourself. No you didn't. God did that for you.” I don't care if they get angry. I don't care if they get a little miffed with me. God gets the glory. If, by chance, a few seeds might fall in their life, and they say, “I didn't like what he said, but he really does have a point. And, apparently, he knows what he's talking about, because he names the things that God has done for him.”

2017. Well, as we look back over this, we see, this Scripture that Vinny so wonderfully came up to read, and I'm glad you read it the way you did, it was medicine, medicine, my brother.

 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” and, yes, we have ministers all this month and they came up, and they talked about this. The first message talked a little bit about that wonderful Son, Child given to them. He's wonderful, He's wonderful. And, then, Brother Chris came up, and he talked about that Everlasting arm of the Lord. Woohoo. I heard that Brother Kirk, he talked about that Everlasting Father. No, I'm sorry the Mighty God. Kirk talked about the Mighty God, Jesse talked about that Prince of Peace and, Brother Andy talked about the Everlasting Father. The Everlasting Father. Mmmmm. But, today, I want to talk a little bit about just one point: It says, For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is”—and this is the word I just want to focus on a little bit—“given.” Given. Given. Something was given. Now, given means that it left the giver to go to a givee. Something was passed on. Something was transferred. Something left where it was, to go to where it should be. Unto us a child is given. Now, there's many reasons why things get given in life. Something's are given out of obligation. Some things are given just because they're told to be given. Some things are given just out of Duty. Some things are given by request. Some things are given because they're no longer wanted, and this is the season for that; they've even got a special word for that: they are given, or they are gifted, and, yeah, they are gifted to someone, and, some things, especially around this time, things are regifted. Regifted. No longer desired where it was given to, and so it is re-given, re-gifted to someone else. And, some things are given straight out of desire; they are given straight out of love. Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.

Now, when something is given, it denotes that it was left from the giver to arrive to the givee, and, one of two things happened there: either it is accepted, or it is rejected. Unto us that child is born, unto us a son is given, either accept it, or it is rejected. Either He is accepted, or He is rejected. And, this was a whole lot of things given all in one rolled-up shot. Wonderfulness was given. Peace was given. A Daddy was given. A Mighty God was given. And, a Counselor, a Counselor. Counsel, sweet Counsel from Heaven is given. And, Pastor Paine, would—he said, many times, “You know, one of the problems in the church world is there's plenty of people that want Jesus to be their Savior, they just don't want Him to be their Lord.” They want to pick and choose the things that God gives. God gives a whole complete package, and they say, “I think I will do a little bit of shopping here. I'll take this from You, Lord, but that, not so much.” So they're—going along with what Pastor Paine said—they kind of want that old, “Oh, I want to be saved, and I want to go to Heaven thing, but, as far as changing my ways, and as far as letting go of some of the other things that holding on to me, no, Lord, I think I want to hold on to that.” And, if ever that is an attitude, if ever that is a thought or feeling brought to God, there is a response for that, today, we have a response for that: my response for that is, ‘Give God a chance.” Give, give God a chance. Give God the opportunity to be wonderful in our lives. Give Him the opportunity, the chance to counsel us. Give God the opportunity, the chance—let HIm come and love us. Let God do for us the things in our lives that has never been done before. Let Him do it! Let God be able to come to our lives and to be able to be God. Let Him do the old things for us! You ever hear people talk about the old days, when they first got saved, “Oh, the things I used to do when I first got saved!  Man, I used to live Godly, I used to love Him so much. Man, I would just pray. I would look people up, I would talk to them. I would take a blessing over, hey, there's a Scripture of the day, when I first got saved.” Let God do that for us. Let Him to the old things for us. Yeah, the things that we talk about with such reminiscence and joy. If we have stopped doing any of those things, let Him do them again. And, let Him do the new things for us, too. Because, the Bible says, eyes have not seen, nor ears have heard, nor even entered into our lives what He has prepared for us (1 Corinthians 2:9). We haven't even seen what He's got, and all we've got to say to that is let God do it. Let Him do the new things, the old things, the new things let Him just be God for us. Let Him be our counselor. Let Him be our Everlasting father. Let Him be our Mighty God, our Prince of Peace, and, yes, yes, yes, let Him be wonderful. Let Him make us just, “Oh, wow, God, that was awesome.” Let Him get that out of us. God, we give You the opportunity, we give You the ability, we give You the freedom to be God all over our lives. Appreciated what You had to say, Sister Linda, because sometimes we've got to get up to the altar, and say, okay, God, now I'm facing it, now it's here, God, I'm looking for You to do what You said You would do. Well, sometimes, God already has it for us. It's not that He's waiting on the blessing, right? The blessing has already been prepared. He's just waiting on us to be ready to receive it. God I could accept more of Your spirit, but there's some things I've got to let go of, that I'm just not ready to let go of yet. The two aren't going to mix.

So, that was part 1. Part 1 was the theme for December. And, I haven't said it, but, the message title today, is “Jesus Christ The Same 2017, 2018, And, Every Day.”


Part 2: The Theme for the Month of January


Tomorrow is January First, so we're going to be looking into that, today. Brother Vinny, if you would come, from The Book of Matthew, chapter eleven, verses twenty-eight through thirty:


Matthew 11:28-30     Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.


Thank you, Brother Vinny. “Come unto me, all ye that that labor and are heavy laden”—the theme for January—“and I will give you rest.” We've heard both of these Scriptures before; we've heard them several times. They are beautiful Scriptures. Scriptures that minister to us, that mean so much to us. Not to be read just in a specific time, even though they might get more play at some time, rather than other times, but they both minister to us all the time. Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. But today, I want to focus on part of this, right here, in verse twenty-nine, “Take my yoke upon you…” that ain't it, that's a beautiful part of the verse, but that ain't it. Here it is: “…and learn of Me.” And learn of Me. So, the Lord says, “Come, and learn of Me.”  Yes, He goes on to say, “For I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest for your souls,” and He then goes on to say, “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light,” but, the Lord says, “Come, and learn of Me.” Learn of Me. Now this is a continuation of things that have been going on, at this point, for thousands of years. David said, in the Book of Psalms, chapter twenty-seven, and verse number eleven:


Psalm 27:11       Teach me thy way, O Lord, [Teach me, God, teach me thy way, oh Lord] and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.


So, where is David said, teach me, the Lord says, come and learn, come and learn. So, the Bible says, “Come, and learn, take My yoke upon you,” but, “Come, and learn” is the focal part today. Come, and learn of Me, learn and see, from the Book of First Peter, chapter two, verse three, learn that, “I, the Lord, I am gracious. Learn about my grace for you.” From the Book of First Peter, chapter two, and three:


1 Peter 2:3      if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.


So, we learn that the Lord is full of grace, graciousness. He's full of grace. Wonderful thing to learn. What else do we learn? Apostle Paul said, in Romans, chapter seven, verse number seven, he said that, “I would not have known sin, except for the Law would come. So, he learned that he was a sinner, Apostle Paul. And, it says:


Romans 7:7    What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.


So, he learned that he was a sinner. And, then, what else did he learn? From the Book of John, chapter three, and verse sixteen, Apostle Paul learn that, though he was a sinner, God loved him so much, and everybody else, that He gave His only begotten Son. He learned that that love passed through sin, permeated through it, to get to the person. From John, chapter three,  sixteen:


John 3:16        For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


And, that's not all we learn, we learn from the Book of Psalms, chapter forty-six, and verse number one. What else have we learned? We learned that He is a present help in time of need. We learned this.


Psalm 46:1      To the chief Musician for the sons of Korah, A Song upon Alamoth. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.


We've learned that there is none higher than Him. From the Book of Isaiah, chapter fifty-five, and verse nine:


Isaiah 55:9      For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.


We've learned that in our best state, no matter how good we think we can get, in our very best state, according to the Bible, it's altogether vanity. All the leaders that went before, all the great people that did great things, all before, still wound up in the grave. From the Book of Psalms, chapter thirty-nine, and verse number five:


Psalm 39:5      Behold, thou hast made my days as an handbreadth; and mine age is as nothing before thee:  verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity. Selah.


But, we also learn from that, that the Lord has made everything. So, He makes ways possible. He has made the heavens and the Earth. From the Book of Psalms, chapter one twenty-one, and verse number two:


Psalm 121:2    My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.


So, he learned That his best state is Vanity, but, getting out of that, it's the Lord that helps him out of that. But the Lord made the heavens and the Earth. We've also learned that when we praise Him, He inhabits that. From the Book of Psalms, chapter twenty-two, verse number three:


Psalm 22:3      But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.


And, I used to wonder, “Well, that's only for the Jews. He inhabits the Praises of the Jews.” But, it didn't say He inhabits the Praises of the Jews, it says He inhabits the Praises of Israel. And, here, I'll put the words out that the angel said, “Come, and I will show thee the Lord's bride. And, he said, I saw that Holy City which is New Jerusalem, New Jerusalem.” (Revelation 21:9-10) And, he looked in there, and he saw, who, who, who are all those that are arrayed in white, that there is no number? Oh, these are they who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (Revelation 7:13-14)  He inhabits the praises of His people. We've also learned that if we make our bed in Hell, He is there. And, He will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). There's no place we can go to get away from Him. From the Book of Psalms, chapter one thirty-nine, verse eight:


Psalm 139:8    If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.


He's everywhere! And, yet, that's not something that supposed to be negative, or a fearful thing. Because, it goes on to say in Hebrews, chapter thirteen, verse number five:


Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.


And, we see that the Lord has ever more things for us, but it doesn't just stop there. Yes, we learned that He wants us to be closer to Him. But some of us have learned, even on a very personal level, that He's better than a doctor in the hospital. Some of us have learned, the Lord is better than a lawyer in the courtroom. Some of us have learned He's better than a teacher in the classroom. Some of us have learned, I could go to a counselor and pay some money, but He's a better counselor in my family, and with my friends, and on my job than anybody I could pay. Some of us have learned that He is the help that will come along when nothing else can reach me. Some of us have learned that when everything else closes up on me, turns it back and walks away, that the Lord is my helper. He will never leave me nor forsake me. We've learned that we can come back to Him after any mistake. And, as great as He is, He still comes, and puts His arms around us, and calls us, “My child, My son, My daughter. I've just been waiting to shower my blessings on you. I've been waiting to bless you, all you had to do was open the door for Me, just open the door for Me.” We have learned, we have learned, we have learned. And, another thing, we have learned, some of us have found that He is that peace that the world can't give and that joy, that's unspeakable, that will bless our hearts and our lives just when we have that audience with Almighty God. And, I’ve got to say this, there's another thing we need to address: and that's people who, people who have allowed the lie of the devil to come along and, and, and deceive them into somehow thinking that they are afraid to receive those things from God, afraid to be healed of God, afraid to be blessed by God, afraid that He will come and give them some sort of Glory, and things will change. They are no longer afraid to come to the Lord because they no longer will be chained to the things the day are chained to.

Years ago, I saw this, I saw this, this, this, this thing, and the people were wondering because there was a full-grown lion that was a pet, it was not in a zoo, but like those performance shows, and they had a lion on a chain, as though they could contain a lion on a chain. Out of the cage, free among everybody. A lion! Full grown, as big as the people were. And, they showed—it was on film—they showed that this lion, this massive amount of power, got startled by something he hadn't seen before whether it was an automobile, or some sort of noise, but he got startled, and the lion took off, and started running. A lion running in the streets. You know where he was running to? His cage. He was running back to his cage. Ignorant, unobservant to the power that he had, within himself. Looking to run back to be chained, and caged up, because he had grown accustomed to being chained, accustomed to being shackled, by whatever it is. I saw that, and I thought, “You mean to tell me, that a lion could get to the place—king of the jungle—can get to the place where he'd rather be caged, rather than to be what he was right to born to be.” Yeah, and that's the same way it happens: the devil lies and makes it that way with people, not just Christians, and non-christians. He makes it that we'd rather have some sort of malady, some sort of sickness, I'd rather have something to complain about then my Deliverance! I'd rather have some sort of addiction, then freedom! I'd rather have something that plagues me, rather than just turn to the joy of the Lord! It's got to be addressed! It's got to be addressed! Because the Lord said, “I come to give you peace that passes all understanding. I come to be wonderful to you, that you could be free from shackles, that you could be free from addiction, and the sicknesses, and maladies, and thinking that there's no answer. I come to free you from all of that. If you're heavy laden, I the Lord to deliver you. All I'm asking you to do is come and learn of Me. Come and learn of Me. This is what I've got to go to you.”

So, it's almost like, it's almost like being asleep, you know, but the Bible says, it's high time to wake out of sleep (Romans 13:11). You ever have a good nap? I mean, one where you kind of get in the zone? I was—I mean, you have some good sleep where your lips kind of pucker up, you know, and you could feel things coming out of you, and you don't even know. You ever wake up, and you don't even know where you are, none of the conditions that are around? You have gotten so detached, in such a deep sleep, that everything left you. You don't even know where you work, you don't even know what room is this, what house is this? What is my state? How old am I? You've gotten to that level. You ever get anything like that? Well, then, it makes sense. Because the Bible says it, it is high time to wake out of sleep. No, not regular sleep, even though, if you're going to be a sleepy head and be slothful, it's time to get up out of that, too, but it's time to wake up out of spiritual sleep. It's time to wake up out of it, and, not be a sluggard anymore. It's time to turn around, and, instead of letting the devil lie to you, and say, “Oh, I would stop, and I would get out of that, but if I did, this happens, and that happens,” and, then, instead, turn around, and say, “Devil, you can't have me no more. Devil, today, you are on notice! I'm coming out! I'm free! I am accepting my Deliverance! Today is the day.” Yes, “Come and learn of me, because I am the Lord. Yes. I'm Wonderful. Yes, I'm your Counselor. Yes, I'm the Mighty God. Yes, I'm also your Deliverer. Yes, I'm also your Savior. Yeah, I'm a lover to you too. And, yes, I'll give you all the answers that you need—not all the answers that you want—but all the answers that you need. Just come, and learn of me.”


Part 3


So, we talked about the theme for 2017. We talked about this evening for January of 2018. I called up Andy, I think it was two days ago, to let him know that something that God had laid on my heart, and, when I was in visiting family, I had a wonderful opportunity, to get away and have some of that private personal alone time. It was precious, it was some precious time. Just being able to seclude away for a while, and just get me and God, and not have to worry about the clock, not have to worry about the alarm, not have to worry about any kind of interference at all, and it was just me and God for a while, and it was great, it was great. And, God had actually laid something on my heart during the time of refreshing and praying and worshipping and listening to some music. God actually laid something on my heart, I've actually heard this song about the light of the world, from The Book of Matthew, chapter five, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen. The Bible says:


Matthew 5:14-16             Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


So, if the Bible says, you are the light of the world, and the Lord says, to let your light so shine, as all that was going on, God just told me a few simple words, just laid it on my heart, a few simple words, and that has become one of my themes, one of my personal themes for the beginning of 2018. If we are supposed to be the light of the world, and the Lord said to let your light so shine, He said, “Light it up. Light it up. Take that light in your life, and light up the world.” When I was back visiting family, I have a little cousin, and I was over at my aunt's house, she was over at my aunt's house, I had given her a Bible last year. Yeah, she's seven years old. Yeah, she's seven years old, and I gave her a Bible when she was six, a Bible, yeah. She's pretty smart, and she reads a little bit, and, of course, I gave her a children's Bible, but it's based on the King James version, so I knew it was going to be a challenge for her. So, this time when I visited, I said, “Hey, did you get a chance to look at your Bible?” She said, “No, I haven't really looked at it yet.” And, I said, “Oh, well, do you go to church?” And, she said, “No, you know, I kind of want to, but I can't really get anybody to take me.” “Oh, well, I'll tell you what. Go get your Bible.” And, so, she went to go get her Bible, and as she went to go get it, I thought, “What in the world am I going to share with a little seven year old girl, out of the Bible, that's going to keep her interest, and not make her”—you know that attention span thing?—“just vaporize?” And, so, fortunately, for Brother Andy and myself, Arman does something, he sends us the children's church lessons. Yes, he does. Yes, he does. He sends us the children's church lessons, and some time ago, he had sent us one with Zacchaeus, sent us that, and that was the lesson. And, the children's church teachers, y'all went way more in depth then I did. But, it's only a few verses, and I thought, “Hey, that'd be great. Let's go over that, and let's see what the Lord might have for my little cousin.” And, so, we turn to the story, and I said, “Go ahead and read it out loud,” and she said, “No, I don't like reading out loud.” So, she read it and she was ready to close it up, and I said, “Well, what is it about?” And, she said, “I don't know.” “Well, let's read it again. This time, we'll go, and we'll talk about each verse.” And, so, we read the first verse, and I did some explaining, and a little bit of embellishment, and, then,  we read the second verse, and I wish you could have seen how her eyes just lit up, and all of the sudden, it had meaning. And, she looked back down, and she said, “Now, shut up, shut up, I want to read this.” And, she went back down and she read the third verse, the third verse of what we were reading, and then she looked up, and she started asking questions. She started having an interest, and we talked a little bit, and I said, “Maybe, this might be the case, or that might be the case, but remember it was like this, so this man wanted to see the Lord, and he couldn't, because he was too short. He was not as tall as me, maybe a little bit taller than you, so he had to climb this tree, because the important thing was him getting to see Jesus. So, what happens?” And, she eagerly went down, and she started reading it, and found out that he was going over, even though he was a cheater and everything, and she said, “Yeah, he does sin, doesn’t he?” And, I said, “Yeah, but what happens? The Lord was looking for him. So, even though the Lord knows everything we do, He's still looking for us.” And, you could see her go into her contemplative mode, and she closed her Bible—left her finger in it—closed it and started asking questions about the Lord's forgiveness. Seven years old. Seven years old. And, it was a great time to have a little Sunday School, not necessarily on Sunday, a little Sunday School, because the Lord said, “Light It Up.”

Take your light everywhere. Take it to the young, take it to the old, take it to your friends, take it to your enemies. I also had a chance to visit—I try to visit, I make the rounds, I try to visit everybody I can, I've got a big family—long story—but, the other thing that happened is, whenever I visit any of my family, any of my relatives before I leave, I like to speak a blessing over them. God has really convicted me about being there, and letting your light so shine, and so, sometime ago I started having a prayer with them before I leave. And, I ask them, do y'all mind if I speak a blessing over the family? And, at first I was real nervous about it. Real nervous. What if they say no? Well that's about the worst they can do, is say no. That's about the worst they can do. What if they say yes? And, this is what the Lord did, this is what God did: in starting to visit different parts of my family, and, I don't have a lot of money to give them, I can't buy them a new house, I can't give them a new car, I don't have that kind of thing. But, what I do have, as Apostle Peter and John said, such as we have, we give (Acts 3:6). And, so, I would just have a prayer. It's gotten to the place now, that if they find out that's the day I'm going to be leaving, and not returning, some of that part of the family, will rearrange their schedule to be there, because they want to be there when a blessing is spoken over them. They look forward to it. And, many of them aren't even related. If it's a cousin, or even some of my brothers, their wives will get other people involved, and say, “Come on, he's going to speak a blessing, you want to be here for this.” Because, we have to light it up! We have to light the world up! If they're little, if they're big, we have to light it up; that is our charge, to light up the world. And, it's gotten to the place now, I thank my brother, Phil, and brother Alex, who are faithful and taking evangelism—not just working the base, I'm not talking about that—evangelism, because every time I see that example, it does something to me. Every time I see godliness going on, doesn't it kind of stir it up in you? Saying, “I need to do something for myself about that.” So, now, we have to light up, yes, we need to light up the Navy base. And, we need to light up our jobs. We need to light up our houses. Take that light in there and make it so wonderful. We need to light up our cars. And, you know, we need to light up the dog-gone television set. We need to light it up. “You know, I'm not letting anything in here that's not like God. I'm lighting this thing up. I'm taking a light to the world. I'm taking the light—if I'm in the presence of people, and if I'm not.” Light up the world. God said, “I will do a new thing in the Earth.” (Isaiah 43:19) And, when He says that, He also says He has a work to work, but who will let it? (Isaiah 43:13) Who will let the Lord work His work? He says, “I have a work to work in you.” In our bodies, yes, in our minds, in our hearts. Yes, yes. We're not going to walk, and come into the presence of God, and leave the same way we came. No. We're going to have more of Him, and less of us. We will decrease, and He will increase. So, we want His work of strength to work in our life. We want His work of anointing to work in our life. We want His work of discerning to work in our life. We want His work of Truth to work in our life. We want His work of peace to work in our life. We want His work of love to work in our lives. Every place we go, we want the work of God to work. And, our last Scripture: from the Book of Psalms, chapter one thirty-nine, and verse fourteen:


Psalm 139:14     I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.


We are living, breathing works of God. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are that thing that God holds precious. He even calls us the apple of His eye. And, we have to tell everybody. We have to tell even creation itself. Everything we have, we have to tell, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” This is a marvelous thing that's going on here. God has set me up to sit in Heavenly places. He wants to bless me, use me. I'm not going to be afraid of His blessing. I'm not going to be afraid of His anointing. I'm not going to be afraid of His power and His strength. I'm not going to be afraid of a battle I have to go through, because I know He's going to be with me every step of the way as long as I come and learn of Him. So, sometimes, we just have to turn and tell everything: “Battle, you trying to get me discouraged? Trying to get me to do some crazy stuff? Trying to get some bad words to come out of my mouth? Trying to get bad thoughts in my mind? Trying to put bad feelings in my heart? No. No, I don't receive you, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Don't you know that? Don't you know that God made me wonderful? No, no, no, no, you can't have me. No, you can't have me. No, Hell you can't have me. Discouragement? No, you can't have me. No, lack of strength? Weakness? You can't have me. You might come to me, but you can't have me. Tempting me with lust? Pride? You can't have me. You might cause me to stumble, but I don't belong to you. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I belong to the Lord. I am a child of His. He is my Everlasting—thank you, Andy—Father. That’s how this rolls.

So, we just need to take a step, and look back over 2017, and we need to be able to say, “Lord, You did it again. Lord, You did it again. My Counselor, my Father, my God, my Wonder. Amen.”  Could we give the Lord a praise?

Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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