
By Brother Kenneth Ray

December 16th, 2012

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Rehabilitate—to restore the good name or reputation.  To put back in good condition: re-establish on a firm, sound basis.  Bring or restore to a normal or optimal state of health.

Last week, if you were in attendance, you will know we covered the topic of Recovery.  If you follow the Chicago Bulls (which is an NBA basketball team), you may know who Derrick Rose is.  You may know that he injured his knee doing something called a bunny hop.  He has had surgery, and spent some time in recovery and in rehab, but he is yet to return.  Another young man, by the name of Adrian Peterson, who, last year, injured his knee, also went through surgery, recovery, and rehab, but he’s back to doing what he does just as well or better than before. 

What do these stories have to say to us today about what God has for us?  It is this:  The healing process and strengthening of the effective (physical or spiritual) is different for each person and the time it takes varies as well. 

You have to want it.  Adrian Peterson said plainly, “I’ll be back; you will see.”

Is it okay if I share a little Bible with you?

Philippians 4:13          I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

            It is important to know that it is Christ that strengtheneth.

Ecclesiastes 7:19         Wisdom strengtheneth the wise…

            Let me be plain:  I speak about building the strength of God in your spiritual man to overcome and manage the physical man (or flesh).  There will be things in day-to-day life and in the relations that you have that will bring hurt to your inner man.  It may be from someone else, or you may bring it on yourself because of your own actions, views, etc.  You know what SIN stands for, right? Self-Inflicted Nonsense.  Sometimes you have no one else to blame.

Psalms 127:1  …except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

            Simply put, we can’t rehab ourselves; there are no self-made men in the Kingdom of God.  The Bible talks about building your house on solid rock (Matthew 7:24-29); who is that solid rock? Jesus.  He will not keep what is not His.  It takes God to perform the surgery (He is the Great Physician) to mend our hurt and wounds.  Scar tissue sometimes remains, and it takes God to build us to a full recovery.  How do I do this? Has anybody here had surgery?  Chris, you had surgery? When was that? A year ago. What kind of surgery? On your shoulder. Does it still hurt? yes.  Didn’t they fix everything? Yes, but there may be some scar tissue.  Mike, what about your surgery? Knee-replacement surgery.  Does it still hurt? well, I still struggle to get up sometimes.  Melanie, what kind of surgery did you have?  You had two of your wisdom teeth removed.  How old are you? Eighteen.  Isn’t that sad? She’s only eighteen and she’s lost some of her wisdom.

            In order to get a full recovery, where we don’t feel pain or have scar tissue, we need Jesus to rehab us. 

            Remember Apostle Paul?  He had another name before he was Paul—he was Saul.  What did Saul do? He persecuted the church.  When he became a part of the church, do you think he had to go through some rehabilitation?  Here’s the guy that used to persecute the church, and now he’s preaching the Gospel.  He was damaged goods.  Where’s Lucy?  He had a lot of ’splainin’ to do.  Remember peter? He was the bishop of the church, but he acted one way around the Jews and another way around the Gentiles.  Paul said, “Really?”  Well, he didn’t really say that, but that was the general idea.  Remember David?  God had to restore and rehabilitate him (Psalms 51:12).  You and I need rehabilitation.

James 4:8        Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you…

            It’s that easy? Yeah. And no.  Don’t just come close, come close with a purpose.  Have you ever had a child run up to you and then just look at you?  You ask, “What do you want?” and they run away again.  When you come close to God, come close with a purpose.

Psalms 69:18  Draw nigh to my soul and redeem it…

            Did you ever take aluminum cans to a recycler?  What did they do? They gave you cash for those cans; they redeemed them.  Confess to God.  My daughter likes to tell me, “Admit it!”  Just admit it; get it out in the open before Jesus.  A doctor can help you, but you need to be honest with him.  There is a sin unto death, and there is a sin not unto death.  There is a saying, “Honest confession is good for the soul.”  You may have someone that knows everything about you.  You can tell them anything, but that’s hard on them, because they have to keep it a secret.  You can tell God anything with absolute confidentiality.  If you need to repent…

Acts 3:19         …refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;

            Listen to God, and, when your change comes, continue in the things that brought recovery and healing and strength.  Press for the mark (1 Timothy 6:13), be steadfast (Hebrews 3:14), endure as a good soldier (2 Timothy 2:3), or sailor.  God gives you what you need.

Colossians 1:23           …be not moved away from the hope of the gospel…

            And this is the last thing I will share with you:


            Put it at the top of the list of important things to be done.  Are you familiar with the term “backburner?”  A lot of times we don’t get the rehabilitation that we need because we are too busy with other things.

John 18:37      Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

John 18:38      Pilate saith unto him, What is truth?...

            The truth is that some carry things around and are bound to them because they will not forgive.  We hide behind, or give ourselves to, work, school, goals, family, etc. yet we hurt and we miss out on blessings that should be there.  We make ourselves busy.  Our relationship with and in God suffers because we will not allow Him to heal us; we refuse to let go of the disease that we carry.

Romans 3:23   23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

John 8:7          …He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

Luke 6:36        Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

Ezekiel 33:13   …if he trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity…

Acts 20:32       …to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up…

            Our redeemer lives.  Will it hurt? yes.  Will it bring tears? yes. 

Psalms 30:5    …weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

            Kirk, you’re in the fitness business; when you’re clients come to you and they want to get into shape, do they always do everything you tell them to do, the way you told them to do it? no.  Do they want to quit? sometimes.  Does working out hurt? yes. What about diet; when you eat food that doesn’t have all of that salt and sugar in it, does it taste better? oh, yeah.  When they get results, do they still want to quit? no.

            If you let God rehabilitate you, you will like the results.


                           Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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