
By Parrish Lee

April 15th, 2012

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Part I:  After Easter 

Acts 1:3-8        …ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon ye…

            So here we are; the Lord has come, died, and rose, told the disciples that they would be baptized with the Holy Ghost, that it was not for them to know the times that God would restore the Kingdom, but that they would 1) receive power after that the Holy Ghost would come upon them, and 2) to go and be His witnesses.  What an exciting time this must have been. The Passover fulfilled, the Lord risen, and more to come.

                So, from the Passover when the Lord died, three days later He rose, He was with them for forty days—if you’re counting that’s forty-three days, and He told them that they would receive power NOT MANY DAYS HENCE.  We know that the day of Pentecost was fifty days after Passover, so how many days was it between Him being caught up in the clouds and that rushing mighty wind?  Seven days.  I’m sure if they could have looked into the future and seen what was coming in seven days, many would have said, “Hey, for the gift of the Holy Ghost, I can wait for a week.”  But it ain’t about seeing the future; it’s about believing and trusting God.  You would think that there would have been hundreds, maybe thousands; and we know from the Scriptures that there were a hundred and twenty.

            The truth be told, saints, the people then were not too different from us now—what most of us seek is generally to be comfortable.  You know, big house, two car garage, white picket fence, 2.2 kids, the great American dream; at least it used to be.  Nowadays people are looking for job security, a fully funded retirement fund, a big screen TV.  I dare say, saints, if we look for the church or ministry where we can be comfortable, well, let’s just say that if we find it, we should know that we’re in trouble.  Comfortable?  You know what happens when you get too comfortable?  When we find ourselves always getting our way?  We get lazy, slack, or that other word:  Lukewarm.  That’s what the Bible calls it (Revelations 3:16).  Thank God our Lord shows us the path of a life after Him and that was a life of service and sacrifice. 

Part II:  After Messing Up

Acts 2:35-39    …Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ… 

            Great news!  They may not have been in the upper room, but God is not leaving them out!  Wow, what a God!

            Now, Satan’s mission is to wear us out (Daniel 7:25).  God knows everything we go through; it’s not some secret or something that He doesn’t want to be bothered with.  In fact, when we go through our battles and trials, He wants to see what we are going to do—give in and say, “God, why me?  Why do I have to go through all of this?” or turn our eyes to Him and thank Him for all that He has done for us and ask Him to be our present help in time of need.  In fact, many of the things that we go through are for a testimony that God might get the glory.

Part III:  After Correction 

2 Chronicles 16:7-9    …Because thou hast relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the LORD…

            The setting for this Scripture is that the king of Israel, Baasha, came up against the king of Judah, Asa, to basically hold them captive, and make Judah serve Israel.  Instead of Asa seeking God, he went and paid the Syrians (who had been his enemy) to help him out.

            I was just privileged to have my brother visit me for a few days.  I bring this up because when he told me he was coming, I thought of how much of a good time we could have and what I could do to impress him (because he is my older brother and I do want him to be proud of me), but right in the middle of those thoughts, God slapped me in the face.  He made me realize that this visit wasn’t about me; it was about Him and what glory God could get out of it.  And, just like a child after correction, I prayed, Lord, please open the door to share with my brother, show him Your truth and save his soul.  Saints, that changed everything and it started in the car, right after I picked him up; he started asking me about this ministry and the God that I serve.  God reminded me, as He has so many times, that I have not because I ask not.

            When I was looking for a better job and finally got around to praying for one when God answered my prayer, He gave me everything I asked for:  More money, more availability for ministry, increased my knowledge, etc.  I thought of a few other things that I had also wanted, and said, “God, what about these other things?”  You know what He said?  “You didn’t ask.”  So just as His Word aid some two thousand years ago, and all the years since, Christians have to listen to the voice of the Lord, and obey that Scripture. 

Part IV:  After Discouragement

2 Kings 2:1-3  …And he said, Yea, I know it; hold ye your peace. 

            If I could bring up two people who were after what God would have them to be after, one of them would have to be Elisha.  Elisha was to follow Elijah, and, as he did, there were those who rose up to discourage him, giving him excuse after excuse—you may as well give up now, Elijah isn’t going to be with us much longer…  And those people?  The sons of the prophets, people of reputation, people who, you could say, knew about the ways of God.  All Elisha wanted was MORE FROM GOD.  My, how different things would have been if he would have listened to them…  The other person would be the woman with the issue of blood,who, after she had spent all that she had, then put herself after Jesus.

Mark 5:25-28  …For she said, if I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole. 

            I can imagine her anticipation in saying, I know that the Lord can do this for me.  I’m not going to wait for Him to come to my house, or Sunday morning worship, and I can hold the door for Him and then ask for His healing.  I’m going to seek Him out myself, and getting close isn’t good enough.  Now, saints, Jesus knew that she was going to be there, He knew about her issue of blood, He knew that there was going to be a crowd around Him, and He knew that she was going to have to press all the way through.  Was she worried about stepping on somebody’s toes?  He knew the healing, the gift, the blessing He had for her, and SHE HAD TO SEEK ANYWAY.  You may be thinking to yourself, “But I seek God, and I ain’t got no blessing.”  What does that tell you?

Philippians 4:6            …let your requests be made known unto God. 

            Yes, saints, that’s right—everything.  We need to be ready not to give excuse, but have that attitude of giving God everything.  But, brother Parrish, I don’t give everything to God; what if He tells me something I don’t want to hear, or what if He tells me I’m wrong?  What if He tells me no?  well, AMEN, now you know.  That’s how you know that He’s your God.  To have that walk of guidance and direction… Sure, no one likes correction, but we do like the comfort and assurance of knowing that you’re right.

            I want to go on record before I go any further.  We are a blessed, blessed people.  We are so blessed.  Thank you, Lord, for what you have given us.  I’m blessed when I’m sick.  I am blessed when my car won’t start.  I am blessed when I come home to a cold house.  I am blessed when I have fellowship with other saints.  We are a blessed people, and we need to come before God with thanksgiving.

Philippians 4:7            And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding…

                             Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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