“When God Speaks to You

By Brother Kenneth Ray

September 23rd, 2012

 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.  

As we take a look at our topic this morning, we take a glance at ‘speech,’ or, having the ability to speak.

 Speak—1. to utter words with the ordinary voice, talk. 2. To express or communicate opinions, feelings, ideals, etc. by or as by talking.

             Speaking, or speech, is a very useful tool, we as people use to help us co-exist with others around us.  Some of us speak differently than others (this we understand).  Can you imagine watching a ball game on TV without sound?  It would be hard to follow what was going on.  It has really benefitted us as a people to be able to communicate what is important to us.  This morning we are not looking at our speech, but when God speaks to you.

            First of all (we have an apprentice where I work—he’s retired military and he’s older than me, but now he’s an apprentice—he’s from Minnesota and every time he speaks, he starts out, “First of all…”), but, first of all, you should realize that God does, in fact, speak to you.  We may not always be in tune with the Spirit of God to hear Him, but He is speaking.  Maybe there is something in your life that is not right.  Maybe you are feeling rebellious because God made you mad.  Maybe you’re just going through a hard time.  This morning God is saying something to you.  He probably has been trying to talk to you from last Sunday until this Sunday.  God is not coming to tell you a knock-knock joke (well, He can, maybe if that is what you need).  When God speaks to you, it is because He has something to say.

 Genesis 8:15-16          And God spake unto Noah, saying, Go forth of the ark…

             What is happening here?  They are exiting the ark.  When God spake unto Noah, He didn’t just say, “Hey, Noah, how’s it going?”

God did not speak to Noah for the sake of hearing Himself speak.  Time and words have value.  When God speaks to you, it is on His time.  In the story of Joseph, Pharaoh had two dreams: one where there were seven fat ears of corn, and seven lean; one where there were seven fat kine (cattle) and seven lean, and the seven lean ate up the seen fat, and you couldn’t even tell that they had eaten anything, they were so lean.  When Joseph interpreted the dreams, he told Pharaoh that they were the same, but that God had shown it to him twice so that he could know that it was God. 

God spoke to Abraham, and promised him the land of Canaan.  Abraham took his nephew Lot with him, and when they got to the point that Abraham’s herdsmen couldn’t deal peaceably with Lot’s, Abraham showed Lot the land, and let Lot choose which part he wanted.  Lot said, oh, that looks good over there, let me take that land.  Lot wound up getting into trouble.  See, God spoke to Abraham; He didn’t speak to Lot.  Abraham spoke to Lot.  That’s not the same thing, and they didn’t get the same result.  We don’t have to worry about that, here, though, there is room enough for all of us.

I have heard it said that the Lord will speak to you when you are ready.  Translation:  God will speak to you when you make yourself ready to hear and to receive His words. 

I can’t just wake up on Sunday morning and pray that God would speak to me, and then, by the time I get to church, He’s speaking to me.  I have to start sooner than that.  I have to work harder at it, because my tuner is not as good as others, sometimes I have a hard time tuning in the Holy Ghost.  Your tuner may not be as good as you think.  Is that you, God? send me.

Remember Jonah?  He wasn’t ready at first.  It took three days in a great fish’s belly before he was ready.  When he was ready to listen to God, the fish vomited him up on dry land.  I don’t rad where Jonah stopped to take a shower and then went to Nineveh he just went.  After he was angry, too; it said he was angry unto death.  Your suffering was of great benefit to the people of Nineveh.  You know, if you’d have just listened to God in the first place, then you would have gotten blessed, too.

 Luke 5:4-5       …we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing, nevertheless at Thy word…

             What happened next? They caught so many fish that their net broke.  How many people think Peter was tired?  They’ve been out all night.  Imagine if Bob was out at Catfish Cove fishing all night and didn’t catch anything, and then George came along and said, “Try this bait.”  Bob says, “I’ve been here all night, and I haven’t caught anything, but, I know that you know something about fishing, so, if you say to try this other bait, I’ll try it.” 

What was Jesus doing before that? He was teaching out of the boat.  I’m sure Peter was tired; he probably rolled his eyes a little bit, but he said, “Master…Nevertheless, at Thy word…”  Sometimes you’re trying to do something your way and it just isn’t working out.  You get tired.  Have you ever been woken out of your sleep?  Have you ever had trouble sleeping?  God may have been trying to get through to you.  He holds your time valuable; He isn’t going to wake you up unless He has something to say.  He doesn’t sleep.  Do you count your sleep as more valuable than His time?  Have you ever just remembered a Bible verse at some odd hour of the day?  That was God.

            God does not work on our time-frame, and, often times you’ll find God may not care about our schedule when He speaks to you.  God doesn’t care about softball games our basketball, or the PGA, but He does care about you.  There’s no softball, basketball, or PGA in Heaven. 

When   God speaks to you, it is not without purpose.  God has a perfect understanding of each of us and our lives.  He may tell you something to encourage you when you need it; He may tell you something to humble you when you need it…  God resisteth the proud (James 4:6).  We Americans are proud (we sing a song about it), but when we come before our Maker, we need to be humble.  He may tell you something to use to help someone else.  What He tells you may not even be for your benefit, it may be to benefit someone else.  This is accomplished by His Word, Sermon, Bible study (that you have or that you give), conversations that you overhear or have, or a book magazine article that you read.  The Word is not just for us.

 Psalms 119:105          Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.


 Psalms 119:103          How sweet are Thy Words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey…

 Think about your favorite confection.  The Word is better than that.

Psalms 119:104          Through Thy precept I get understanding, therefore I hate every false way.

             When you get it, it’s a lot better than when you don’t get it.  Who told you that you couldn’t contribute to this fellowship?  Have you ever seen one of those cooking shows where they say that they’re still using the same recipe that they were using a hundred years ago?  Who said this was a cooking competition?  We’re talking about sound Biblical doctrine that never changes to a word that’s always changing.  We can’t teach the same way we did ten years ago.  Are you going to quit because you don’t understand computers or electronics?  If so, then you are in error.  If we were all doing what we were supposed to be doing, we should need a new building.

God’s purpose (in part) is to help make our spiritual man strong and our flesh to have less of an impact.  Ford used to have a slogan, “Have you driven a Ford lately?”  Let me ask you this, “Have you heard from God lately?” If yes, then listen carefully; if no, then I will encourage you, you can, maybe for the first time, maybe for the first time all over again.

            When God speaks to you, it is because He loves you.  If you are already His, or if you are seeking Him out, He loves you.  Through good, bad, ugly, for better, for worse, in sickness, in health, richer, poorer… Hear His voice.

 John 1:1    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

 John 1:14        And the Word was made flesh…

 Luke 9:35        …came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is My beloved Son: hear Him.

 John 6:63        …the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

             He who hath an ear, let him hear what the Lord saith (Luke 8:8).

                           Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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