“You Are the Light of the World

By Parrish Lee

October 14th, 2012

 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.  

Matthew 5:14-16         Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid…

            As we begin this message, we see that it is very simple.  After all, we live by light every day.  In fact, so important is it to us that we make light for the times when there isn’t any.  Lights to light the streets we travel on; lights to tell us when to go, stop, or slow down.  The bulk of our work forces work in what they call day shift, and studies show people generally aren’t as effective on the other rotations.  When it’s dark and you walk into a building, what’s the first thing people ask for? someone turn on a light.

            There are also different types of light and different degrees of light.  We have lamps, skylights, night lights, neon lights, heat lamps, halogen lights, L.E.D. lights; we have 3 Watt, 40 Watt, 100 Watt, 1500 Watt and thousands more in between and above.  Our society learns, inspects, and communicates by lights.  So it would seem simply powerful that the Lord chose this example for us to relate to.

Point #1—Lights have to know what their purpose is.

Genesis 1:4     … and God divided the light from the darkness.

             From all the way back in the book of Genesis, God gave the light purpose: be separate from the dark and to rule the day (Genesis 1:16). 

 Matthew 5:14-16         …Let your light so shine before men…

             If you’re ten years old and under, and you have accepted the Lord as your Savior, then you are a light.  If you’re twenty years old and younger, and you have accepted the Lord, then you are a light.  If you are twenty and older, or thirty and older, or forty and older, fifty, sixty, seventy—if you are nay age and have accepted the Lord, you’re a light.

            I remember when I first got saved, (I wasn’t raised Christian, so all of this was new to me) I had made up my mind to do my best not to make waves or open my mouth about religion, and find the middle, comfortable ground as much as possible.  But you know what happened?  There were so many people who had beat me to it; I kept finding myself in places where no one was standing up for the Lord.  In my flesh I am a person that hates conflict and confrontation—I think most of us are—but we are living in a day and time when there is such a strong absence of light that we can’t help but stand out.  There was an article:

 Report:  US Protestants lose majority status

 New York (AP)—for the first time in its history, the United States does not have a Protestant majority, according to a new study.  One reason:  The number of Americans with no religious affiliation is on the rise.

 Will Science Someday Rule Out the Possibility of God?

 By Natalie Wolchover / LiveSceince.com — Mon, Sep 17, 2012

Over the past few centuries, science can be said to have gradually chipped away at the traditional grounds for believing in God.

            So it ain’t about what I like or don’t like—the world is so dark—if God called us to be a light, then we should be a light.
            I get into trouble at times because of my conviction with my friends and family—but let me just say this:  We are supposed to stand out.  “Well, Brother Parrish, I don’t like to make waves; I don’t like conflict and confrontation.”  Well, welcome to following the Lord.  Welcome to God’s army.  Welcome to being a child of God.

Point #2—Lights have to understand where they get their power from.

James 1:17      Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above…

             The Father of lights—our Heavenly Father who is faithful, and better to us than we are to ourselves, He pours out gifts and blessings according to His amazing grace that could be seen, that we could stand out.  Make no mistake, God desires to give us the riches of His Spirit, but we have a couple of spirits to call out.

            There is a spirit that attacks believers, stopping us from seeing for gifts from God, because maybe we don’t get it on our timeline, instead of asking God, “Search me, Lord, and see if there be any wicked thing in me that is blocking the presence of your Spirit or the move you want for me, my family, my ministry…”  I had somebody tell me once, “I prayed for the gift of healing for a year, and I didn’t get it.  That just ain’t right.”  I asked them, “Did you stop praying?”  You know, maybe you didn’t get what you prayed for because you weren’t willing to wait on God; maybe you should fix your attitude and then pray about it again.  Our founding pastor once talked about being able to see the mountaintop and the beautiful things on it—knowledge, wisdom, anointing, love—and have people turn and look at the base of the mountain, and see the thorns and the thickets and the climb and the effort it would take to get there, and say it’s not worth it.  I had somebody ask me one time how they could get to know the Bible as well as I do.  I told them, read, study, and pray, and if you have questions, ask the elders, and when you hear people talking about the Bible, involve yourself in that conversation—and don’t limit yourself to be like someone like me, because I’m not where I need to be, and I know God has more for you.  They didn’t want to go through all of that.  “I want God to just drop it on me.  Make it like a pill, or like magic, the quick thing.”  That’s just playing out God to be cheap.  God, I know that you desire to bring me to such a rich understanding, and that I would be so instrumental in your service, but, God, I don’t want to study the Bible, I don’t want to be committed in my prayers, and Lord, you know I don’t want to visit the sick and those imprisoned…  What about me?  What about what I want?  Saints, it is the same foul spirit, but when we come to God about it, we put the devil on the run.

Point #3—Lights have to know what their potential is

Romans 4:17-21          …He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief…

             You might say, “I don’t understand—how come I’ve got to suffer?  How come I got to struggle?  I didn’t think I’d have it hard.”  Saints, God’s people have always had to go through.  We’ve had to suffer at the hands of the enemy.  We’ve had to go through heart-ache and disappointment, sickness and pain, challenges, despair, threats… but that’s only half of the story.  We are the light of the world, for every battle we go through accordingly, for every trial, for every unfair situation, God has set it up for a blessing if we faint not.

Galatians 6:9  …in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

             Jesus is the best thing that’s happened to me in my whole life.  “Brother Parrish, you say that a lot; we’ve heard it before.”  Pardon me, but I haven’t said it enough.  He is still that kind of good.

            Honest confession is good for the soul; I have a confession to make—I have had my times of struggling with the Lord.  I wish that I could say that whatever God has spoken to me in his Word, messages, or just through His Spirit, I’ve popped right up and ran to do what He said to do.  There have been times when He has said pray, and I’ve gone to get something to eat, or run some errands… He might say apologize and work it out with that brother or sister, and I think of all the ways that I think I’m right, or anything else the Lord might lay on my heart.  Thank God for His Word, where it talks about the rebellious son (Matthew 21:28-32) who, at first, didn’t do what his Father asked him to do—and then repented—and God forgave him.  This is the victory that overcometh the world.

            I fell prey to a battle recently, and I’m sure I’m not the only one:  Looking at the world around me, the TV shows, the news, the fashions, and celebrating another birthday…  There was this voice that came to me and said, “You’re getting old, and past your usefulness.”  It was so subtle, I started believing it.  I’m sure that the voice is speaking to people all over the world.  I’m sure that it’s told some people, “You’re too young.”  I’m sure it’s told some people, “You’re the one; you’re more special than everybody else.  You ought to be in charge; you ought to be the leader, the great one, the big teacher, the big preacher, the big brother or the big Sir.  Just think how everybody’s missing out because they don’t recognize…”  I also know a voice that says, “You’re just not important.  You’re not as good as everybody else.”  Saints, the devil is busy.  But, according to the Bible, we are all members of one body (1 Corinthians 12:12-27), everybody has a place, everybody has a calling.  The Bible says He formed us in our mothers’ womb (Isaiah 44:24).  “I don’t know about that, brother Parrish, what about the people who are smarter, stronger, faster, richer than me?”  The Bible says He formed you—point to yourself and say, “I am special.”  Black, white, brown, red, young, old, tall, short; He formed you and knows you by name.  He has made you the light of the world.

                           Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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