"Give Thanks to the Lord For..."

By Brother Parrish Lee

November 24th, 2013

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            Now, that is a sight to see:  So many young people, going to learn more about what the Lord means to their lives.  It’s a beautiful thing.  It’s a beautiful thing; it’s something that can be taken for granted.  This will establish a foundation for them for the rest of their lives.  When they go through something that they don’t understand, we’ve got parents, we’ve got brothers and sisters, and, in there, there’s scriptural teaching. 

            Good morning, saints!  Giving honor to God who is the head of our lives.  Our Maker, our Creator, the Giver of all good and perfect gifts.  He Who does that which we could not ask; Who far exceeds our little mental capacity.  He Who is faithful beyond all that we know, and beyond all that we’ve come to think, that same God, giving honor to Him.  Giving honor to all those who have gone on before us, before all of us.  The ones who have established the ways, from the apostles, all the way down to those in this ministry:  Those who birthed it, those who nurtured it, and helped see it where it is today.  And, giving honor to all of y’all.  Giving honor to all of y’all who have come to today to present yourselves before God that He might be that help...  Giving honor to y’all. 

            This is the month of thankfulness—being thankful.  Today’s message is going to be just a little different.  I’m going to open in prayer, and then I’m going to be turning over the mike.

            If you could bow your heads with me:  Lord, we have so much to come and be welcome into Your presence and to be thankful for.  Lord, if we were to count the blessings that You have given us, Lord, who could number them, for they are as the sand by the sea.  Lord, we come before you as Your children as Your sons and daughters, as Your servants, God, to say thank you.  We ask that You continue to lead us, guide us, and help us to all that You have fro us.  Let us never be the ones to step up to the plate and say, “No, that’s not for me.”  God, make us strong, make us more adherent, and make us more teaching, more honest, more sincere in all the things that you’ve called us to do.  Bless those that are going to come and mount the pulpit to talk to us, God, to bless us with things that You’ve added into their lives.  As we present ourselves, we turn this over to You, and we say all of this in Jesus’ name, and everyone said, “Amen.” 

            As I said, it’s going to be a little different, and I’m sure that some of y’all are saying, “A-a-a-a-a-a-a-amen!”  What we’d like to ask, we’d like to ask several families to come.  The first one is Kenny and Abbey.  Ken says that his wife is having a migraine, I believe that he can explain it better than I can.  After him, I’d like to ask Mike and Norma, if they could come and share.  After that, then Laygoze and Lorraine, I’d like to ask you to come and share what the Lord has done for you.  Let’s give the Lord a praise as our brothers and sisters come.

            Ken:  I think that’s my fault, that wife thing.  I didn’t even know, and she didn’t know, that she was supposed to come and share this morning, because I got it through a text message on Friday night, so that was my good-up.  This morning, I want to say, Ken Ray, it’s good to see you here.  You were here for us when we were in one of the most difficult times of the church’s history: the transition, when a lot of people left and went to a different state.  You were here for us, and don’t underestimate the value of that, and how you kept us together during that time, and you’ve helped us grow.  Because of you, and your labors, and your wife’s labors, is why we’re here today.  We just wanted to give you thanks for that and let you know that.

            This morning, when it comes to Thanksgiving, I think of Pastor Paine, who is a man who is always thankful.  He has taught us to be thankful.  I try to pattern my life after that, as well.  Thanksgiving is something that is not tied to your inventory or your circumstances; it’s a way of life, and that transitions into to your faith.  How can you pray to God and ask for something if you’re not thankful for something that God has already given you, and God has shown you?  You know, that’s how God increases our faith, by blessing us and leading us, and, therefore, we know that when we pray, we’re going to receive an answer, whether it’s the answer we want or not.  It’s through God and it’s through His faithfulness.  I know, for myself, when I get down, and I get depressed, and I just start worrying about things, I start thanking God.  When I start thanking God for what He’s done, it reminds me of what he will do.  I don’t know, at the present time, what He will do, but I know that He will bring the victory—as Jesse always says, God’s always right on time.  For myself, if I give it to God, God will melt that away, like He does the morning dew—you know, the wetness on the ground.  By the middle of the day, when everything clears up, and it looks like it’s going to be a bad day or a tough day.  So, when you give God thanks, God changes all that.  That’s what Thanksgiving means to me today, more than anything else, just give God thanks, and God will turn it around. 

            Norma:  Good morning, church.  Parrish asked us to come and share about Thanksgiving.  Many things came to my mind, one, that I never celebrated Thanksgiving before, when I was younger.  I’m thankful for many, many things.  When I was thinking about it, I thought about how my boy has been singing all week a song that he likes, that we play in the car almost every morning when we take him to go to classes.  The only part that he sings is, “Nothing but the blood.”  Even when he’s singing, just that one phrase, and I’m thinking, “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”  I am grateful that we can go to God anytime, that He is there for us no matter what.  This Thanksgiving I want to be grateful for those things. 

            Mike:  I’m grateful for so many thing.  I pray with our kids at night, and I always start with giving thanks for all these things.  It’s the same thing, day after day.  I feel like it sounds so generic, but I’m really thankful for God, for His person, for His truth.  All our needs are taken care of; my family is doing good.  My kids are healthy; they’re well.  They love God; I don’t know if they really know what that means yet, but they express it in different ways.  They learn from all of you and the people that teach them and, hopefully, from their friends.  I’m not good at this.  I’m just very thankful for God’s goodness, and I thank Him for everything.  It’s like magic, but it’s not magic:  God is everything. 

            Lorraine:  When Laygoze told me that we had been asked to do this, I thought about everything, making some notes; I did some reading, did more than a bit of worrying, but, you know, I had to wait for God and just come to pick me up.  It was about being thankful.  There’s so much to be thankful for, from a little girl from Mississippi, to the bright lights in Detroit, Michigan, to Illinois—a place I said I’d never live!  But I thank God.  In every situation, He always had the time.  From raising five children, now to being a great-grandmother.  God has been mighty, mighty good to me.  He’s got all of my children safe and secure, as far as I now, by the Grace of God.  He kept my grandchildren.  He puts His arms around my great-grandchildren.  I’m blessed, and I thank God.  He gave me the opportunity to be baptized in Mississippi, and I never would have thought that I would be baptized again.  But, because of coming to the knowledge and the understanding, by the Grace of God…  Yes, I have a ways to go; I haven’t made it to where I need to be.  But, thank God!

            Laygoze:  Thank God.  I’ve heard so many good things, and I know what God’s done for me.  I love my wife, and I thank God for my wife, my family, and my friends.  You’ve got to think, way back, before we were even seen, God saw us.  He made a man in His image, and He gave up His only begotten Son fro our redemption.  I’m thankful for that.  Ever since then, God has been in a man’s body; He’s supplied everything a man can need.  When man needed food, he had that.  He supplies all our needs.  Whatever we needed, God supplied it.  There’s no reason not to be thankful to God.  They say God is a man, you know, but without God, what could we do?  I thank God for this ministry.  I thank God for the sisters and brothers in this ministry.  Like my wife said, God has brought us each a mighty, mighty long way.  Maybe further than most.  I was a streeter, I was a street-fighter, I did this, I did that, God never even bothered that.  Now, I don’t even think about that no more; it seems like that never happened, because I’ve been delivered form that.  God’s been so good!  When God has been that good to you, you can’t help but stand up and say it.  On behalf of my wife, we love you.  Congregation, we love you as God’s children. 

            Amen.  I actually thought y’all were going to take longer.  What a message from our brothers and sisters!  Every one of us could come up here and testify about what we are thankful for.  Saints, that is the message today.  No, I do not have a whole lot to add, I just have a little bit.  What a message!  What a message, Brother Kenny, Brother Mike, Sister Norma, Brother Laygoze, Sister Lorraine…  How beautiful that, before God, you could testify as to what He’s done. 

            The Scripture for the month:

Ephesians 5:20           Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

So what do we have to be thankful for?  The title of the message is, “Give Thanks to the Lord For…”  You know, Brother Malcolm, the way the songs went, and, Andy worked it out, and Chris had requested, “Give Thanks to the Lord, for He Is Good.”  We sang that two Sundays in a row.  People could say, in the flesh you could say, “That’s getting kind of redundant,” but, like you said, Mike, I get to thanking God for the same thing all the time, because I’m still thankful for it!  I haven’t stopped being thankful for it.  We’re thankful for waking up this morning in our right mind.  Getting to walk across the floor.  Getting to work and having a job.  I haven’t stopped being thankful for that, so I have to say, “Thank you, Jesus!”  I haven’t stopped being thankful for having food to eat; being able to lay down in a bed, getting some sleep.  I haven’t stopped being thankful, so I have to thank Him for that, too.  I haven’t stopped being thankful for my brothers and sisters, Brother Mike, Brother Rob, Sister Norma, Sister Lorraine…  I have not stopped being thankful to You, Jesus, for all that You have given to us, every day. 

            I want to go over a little something in the Book of Psalms.  David said:

Psalms 107:1        O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

Psalms 118:29      O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

Psalms 136:1        O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

            If you have any one of those verse in your Bible, let’s read it together:  O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good:  for His mercy endureth forever. 

            Isn’t that marvelous?  He couldn’t say it enough!  So David said two things, two things over and over and over again.  These are not the only three places where he said that.  He said it nine times!  He said it nine places in the Bible; nine places!  But, this needs to be a short message, so…  Nine places, that he names these two specific things!  O give thanks unto the Lord… why? for He is good, and, what else? His mercy endureth forever.  Anybody here had a taste of God’s mercy?  I know Go forgave us, last week.  Some of us, I know we got saved a long time ago.  For me, it was thirty years ago.  God forgave me of my sins, thirty years ago.  And twenty-nine years ago.  And twenty-eight.   He forgave me of my sins three years ago.  He forgave me of my sins last week.  Hallelujah!  He forgave me for my sins yesterday.  Mercy just keeps coming, flowing from Calvary’s mountain!  Norma, you said your son sings, “Nothing but the Blood?”  “Oh, how precious is that flow, that makes us white as snow.  No other power I know.  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”  That’s a good song.  That’s a good song.  I’ve just got to say that I’m thankful for that.  I agree with you, David, because, God, You have been good to us.  If you have any questions about it, if, maybe, kind of, “I think maybe He’s good to me,” let me tell you right now:  Throw that doubt out of your mind.  If you walked in here, then He’s been good to you.  If you’ve had something to eat this week, then He’s been good to you.  Turn on the news; turn on the news, and leave it on for sixty seconds, and if you don’t turn around and say, “God, You are good to me, my family, my house—You’re good for all that comes my way!” then you need to hit your knees, and say, “God, something’s wrong, give me a better glasses, give me a different heart, rejuvenate my mind—do something to me to make me see how grateful I should be. 

            Your mercy, Lord…  Laygoze, you said, you know, it was like it was never there, because God made it so real, so powerful.  Sometimes when we meet people now, they say, “Oh, this guy…”  or, “This lady must have been a Christian all their life!”  That’s how thorough that blood is.  Nothing like it.  That’s how powerful it is.  You know, a lot of times, when you get a sickness, you get some medication…  There’s always some sort of reminder that you had this thing.  It ain’t that way when you come to Jesus and He washes the sin away.  Sin; sin!  He washes sin away!  Put your finger on sin; try to identify it.  Have a curse on your diction, and let God take it away.  You forget, you forget what it was before, because He’s that good.  We just want to say, thank you, Lord.  Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. 

            So, give thanks to the lord for…  We could each name plenty of things.  We could each—and, saints, we have to make mention of what we’re thankful for.  Yes, we have to tell it.  We have to tell the number one—I can’t really say person—but the number one that we have to tell it to is the Lord Himself.  If you say, “What about waking up in a right mind this morning?  What about walking cross the floor?  What about food?  That’s just the general stuff, you know?”  When we were younger, we had to learn some lessons, so, people that wanted us to grow up right, whether they were parents or teachers or whatever, they would try to teach us, make us get the point.  Sometimes it would be on a test, and you would get a grade on it, and you would have to take it over if you got an ‘F.’  With parents, if you don’t get the lesson right, you might have a whole different type of taking it over.  There might be a completely different challenge on re-learning that lesson.  Was that politically correct enough?  Where I come from—I’m not going to say that, I think I got the gist across.  The point of the matter is, don’t let God have to teach you that lesson over, because we refused to learn it the first time.  didn't understand that we could be equipped to have a better life for ourselves. “But I don’t need to be thankful for waking up in the morning; I don’t need to be thankful for food to eat; I don’t need to thankful for walking across the floor…”  Oh?  Talk to Brother Job. In one inkling, while they were talking, lost everything he had.  Lost everything he had.  Yes, God intended to bless him, but, there was a lesson to be learned.  God is the giver of all good and perfect gifts (James 1:17), and, because of that, Job was able to say, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him…” (Job 13:15)  So, we want to be able to come before His presence with thanksgiving and enter into His courts with praise (Psalms 100:4).  We've all seen people—we know people, and some of are those people—have it demonstrated to us; we might have a wonderful job, and then find out that our company is going to be downsizing, or we might have a wonderful business, and find out that the climate has changed.  Just check out Blockbuster or Best Buy or Office Depot or… Even now, it’s Dominick’s.  So many of them.  Should you pray for your jobs?  Yes!  Yes!  Should you pray for your business? Absolutely!  Should you pray for your families? 100%, yes!  Should you thank God for them?  Yes, yes, yes!  We have to get to the place where we take out time to do specifically that.  We take out time, we set time—it’s up to you how much time, where, when, how, but we have to take time to thank Him.  God, You are good.  So, we ant to make a point of—you’ve ever heard of counting your blessings?  You have to make a point, sometimes, of counting out the things that you are thankful for: your blessings.  And, my next-to-the-last scripture:

Psalms 139:13-18       For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.  Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, 0 God! how great is the sum of them!  If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.  

            For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.”  You know, Laygoze, he says, you could almost testify you think maybe He done forgave you for more than everybody else.  You know personally about yours—I would like to beg to differ.  I think I could give you a run for your money on that one, bro.  David said, “I’m not even going to start there; I’m going to start from when I was formed in sin, and shapen in iniquity (Psalms 51:5); from the very beginning, I needed God.”  That’s what David said.  And here he says (in verse 14), “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.  My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.  Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written…”  God, you’ve got the count of me down to the last grip, to the last iota, to the last point…  You know it all!  You’ve got it all there!  “When as yet there was none of them.  How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them!”  How great, Lord, how great is the sun of all of the things that You want to bless us with?  How great is the sum?  In verse 18, “If I should count them…”  If I should count them, not just what He has done, but what He wants to do for us.  What He wants to do for us.  If we could count them, “…they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.”  Here is our victory:  When I awake, I am still with You, Jesus.  You didn’t leave me; no matter what state it was, You never left.  When I awake, whether it’s from sleep or from something crazy going on in my life…  When I awake, no matter what the cry was, no matter the drudgery it was; when I awake from a situation, or even a crazy relationship…  When I awake, You are still with me, God, through everything.  

            Should we tell people what we’re thankful for?  Should we tell people about our blessings? Absolutely, when the opportunity presents itself, absolutely!  Should we let people know? Absolutely!  Should we publish it? Absolutely!  As the opportunity presents itself.  We don’t want to quench the Spirit, but it’s God that opens the doors, not us ourselves.  Amen.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

            Should I give thanks when I get in my vehicle? Amen.  Should I give thanks when somebody gives me something that I don’t want? Amen.  At least they thought about you to give it to you.  Should I give thanks when somebody says something that don’t really make me happy? amen, you were able to hear it.  Now you know how to pray.  Should I give thanks when I get that second piece of sweet potato pie?  For me, it’s the fourth piece, but, if I get a second piece, I’m happy; if I get a third, I’m still happy; if I get a fourth, then, amen, I’m happy!  In everything—in everything, saints, give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us.

            Our wish and prayer is for everyone to have a wonderful Thanksgiving season, to be able to have a wonderful meal, and a wonderful encounter with family, friends, whoever, but, most of all, have a wonderful time with our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

                           Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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