“Jesus Knows”

By Brother Kenneth Ray 

March 25th, 2012

 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.  

Sometimes we travel this road called life and the journey is great; sunshine is on our faces, wind is blowing in our hair, and our souls are feeling both blessed and encouraged.  Other times, it seems our GPS is out of sorts and the weather forecast calls for thunderstorms all week.  Can I take a little of your time this morning to remind you of something that you already know?

Jesus knows.  Are you heartbroken?  Jesus knows.  Is the sun shining on you?  Jesus knows.  Are you happy?  Jesus knows.  Is it raining on you?  Jesus knows.  Is a family member sick?  Jesus knows.  Are you sick?  Jesus knows.  You are not hidden from Him; Jesus knows where you are and how you are doing.  Your soul is both blessed and cursed.  We are studying, teaching, exampling; sometimes we just get worn out.  Jesus knows.  Nobody knows you better than you, except Jesus.

Hebrews 4:15-16        …that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Maybe you need some mercy this morning.  Maybe you need some grace this morning.  It depends on three things:  (1) the choices we have made or have been making (2) the needs that we have in our lives (3) the things that we need to let go of or take hold of.  It says that Jesus was tempted, like as we are.  He was tempted if pride (Matthew 4:3 “…If thou be the Son of God…”).  There are televangelists; you didn’t have to come to church this morning, you could have stayed home and watched one of those.  You could have gone to another church because this one isn’t meeting your needs (not that the church should be meeting your needs; Jesus should be doing that).  Maybe you just want to run your own little shop here (it doesn’t work that way).

It tells us to come boldly before the throne of grace.  That doesn’t mean come to fight, it means come ready to accept.  If you are too arrogant, He will humble you down; if you are feeling too unworthy, He will exalt you.  He knows what you need.

Loose ends may need to be tied up.  Maybe our judgment needs a little adjustment.

Matthew 6:12  And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

Jesus knows if you have endured and forgiven despite it all, or if you have chosen another course.  Are you holding a grudge?  Jesus knows.  Have you forgiven seventy times seven (Matthew 18:22)?  His grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9).  Some have a reward; some missed out.  Yet, today, regardless, we can come and obtain mercy and grace.  God is a loving God, and if there is heaviness it can be lifted.

Romans 3:23   For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Jesus knows this, yet He waits for you to come to Him so that He can give you strength and rest.

You cannot control the thoughts that come into your mind.  What you and I have done with those thoughts about a brother or a sister, a family member, a co-worker, etc. Jesus knows.  If we have left our gift at the altar (Matthew 5:23-24) and gone to that person, then Jesus is pleased.  If not, then we have not kept God’s commandment, and it is His desire that we keep His commandments.

Are you in want?  Are you in need?  Are you hurting?  Jesus knows, and He wants you to tell Him about it and trust Him.  Ask Him if you are doing your part or if you need to go about doing something new.  Do you want a strong outreach to seniors, or to the military, or to Home Depot?

Has someone hurt you?  Are you still carrying that?  He wants you to leave yourself exposed on the operating table so that He can do surgery.  Are you doing your part?

Is the Gospel hidden?  Have we prayed for our leaders both local and international?  Have we prayed to see the direction to go? What our fellowship will be like? What God now wants?  Or do we feel sad because it doesn’t look the same and stay home until it looks more like what we want to see?  Have we murmured against the people of God? All the answers to these questions, and more, Jesus knows.  As we gather here, nothing is hidden from Jesus, for He sees all to the very being of our souls.

Will you meet Him today, just as you are, if you do it all right, or if you need improvement?  Jesus knows that we need Him; Jesus knows that He died for the forgiveness of our sins and rose to give new life.

Matthew 7:7-8 every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth

If you’ll just come, Jesus already knows.

                             Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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