“My Relationship with My Father”

By Brother Kenneth Ray

June 19th, 2011

 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.  

There are two things that you can expect from your relationship with your father:  Joy, and pain.  The circumstances of life determine which one you will get.  There are no perfect parents—I’m still waiting on that.  Sometimes your dad needs your forgiveness.  What really makes you isn’t necessarily your relationship with your natural father, but your relationship with your Spiritual Father.  My relationship with my Father influences how I act.

 John 14:15      If ye love Me, keep My commandments.

 You notice that He did not say, “If you like Me,” or “If you are interested in Me.”

 John 14:21      He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me

 He is going to be there, with you.  He will be the compass for your life, if you let Him.  He’s talking here about your relationship with your Heavenly Father.  Many people know of Him, not so many actually know Him, though.

 John 15:12      This is My commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

 You don’t have to question His love; He loves you.  You may think to yourself, “If He loves me, then why am I going through these things?” He wants you to depend on Him, and in hard times we do depend more on God.  Sometimes we stop loving Him the way we’re supposed to.  There are two things that we must deal with:  1) Feelings, and 2) Facts.  Sometimes when we try to explain Scripture to people, they let their feelings get in the way.  “You mean to tell me that…”  No, I’m not telling you that; the Bible says that.  They try to put it on you instead of on God.  Feelings are real, and when I say real, I don’t mean like a reality program.  There’s not much real about a reality program.

The real question we need to ask ourselves is, “How is my relationship with my Father?”

 Isaiah 1:18      Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD

 Notice that He is asking that we reason together with Him, not with, say, two other people in the church.  God is just and righteous, and, I could be mistaken, but I don’t believe that the Bible ever says that He is fair.  How many people have ever dated?  How many have ever dated long distance?  Would you say that a long-distance relationship is better?  No, it’s not, is it?  It’s better to be in the presence of the one you care about.  It’s the same with God; you can come into His presence, or you can try to skirt around Him.  Don’t stand in the yard and throw rocks at His window; knock on the door, and talk with Him one on one.  If He knocks on your door, he wants you to open it.  He wants to relieve you and comfort you.  He’s not the texting type.  He doesn’t want to charge you eighty dollars an hour to lie on a comfortable couch and talk to Him.  He is honest, and you can be honest with Him.  He doesn’t gossip; you don’t have to worry about telling Him something and then the next day everybody knows about it.

There’s a funny thing about us as human beings:  We need the answer to the three-letter question, “Why?”  Some people, when I ask them to do something, they just go off and do it, and I have to stop them and explain how I want it done.  Some people ask more questions than I really want to answer.  Generally, it’s easier to do what needs doing if you understand why it needs to be done.

 Psalms 16:11  Thou wilt show me the path of life:  in Thy presence is fullness of joy...

 He’s not going to give us a big green arrow to show us where we should go.  Still, we can bounce things off of Him.  When we need guidance, He gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us.  He can’t lead us astray.  What’s in His presence? Pleasures forevermore; no abuse.  He provides, protects, and nurtures.  He will not mislead you.  He gives you drive, motivation.  Sometimes that’s fear, and sometimes that’s joy.

I should be working on that relationship.  We can ask the hard questions and He’ll tell us which way to go.  Our actions affect others.  Our actions reflect on us.  Our actions reflect on what Father we have.  My mom used to worry that people would look at me, and question her.  If you’re not acting right, then people will look at you and say, “Oh, and you’re a Christian?”  God provides help to us and to the Fatherless.

 Psalms 10:14  …Thou art a helper of the fatherless.

 James 1:27      visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction

 You can go to church, and not have a relationship with God.  You can have a relationship with God, but then decide to take ‘time off’ from it.  These are the times that we say, “I know.”  “Why are you by yourself?  The Bible says to go two by two.”  “I know.”  “The Bible says, ‘Pray without ceasing.’”  “I know.”  King Saul, King David, and King Solomon:  when they were in God’s presence, they made wise decisions.  When they were absent from God’s presence, not just them, but the whole kingdom suffered.  Now David repented, and he was restored.  Saul and Solomon were stubborn.  What you do affects other people.  You want victory, not defeat.  No one needs to be Fatherless.

 Romans 5:8-10            …while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us…

 God committed His love unto us.  We are saved by His life.  God has already paid the adoption fee.

 Galatians 4:6  …God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

 The Holy Ghost is a translator; He speaks everyone’s language.  He can communicate with you, and understand you, no matter what your culture.  He has the power to hold you there.

We come back to the choice we have to make:  Which Father do you want to be like?  Which Father do you want others to see in you?

                             Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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