Super Bowl Sunday”

By Brother Kenneth Ray

February 6th, 2011

 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.  

Welcome to Super Bowl Sunday.  Our backdrop today is football, the Super Bowl, in fact.  But, what we have gathered here to do is to lift up the Lord and speak of His goodness for our lives.

 Psalms 9:2      I will be glad and rejoice in Thee…

 Psalms 29:2    Give unto the LORD the glory due unto His name…

 I am going to make some football analogies today, but don’t get hung up on the words.  What we are going to look at is that the game of football, and our lives—our walk with Christ—have some similarities. 

First, football is a participation sport.  Participation is required.  The players can’t just stand on the field.  Even the spectators are affected by what happens on the field, and they are a live part of what goes on; the players feed off of their energy, and feel their lows and highs.

Second, football is a contact sport.  Getting hit is part of the game.  If nobody is getting hit, then somebody isn’t doing his job.  If you are serving Christ in your life, then you are going to get hit by things, knocked down, tripped up, get bruised and beaten.  Sometimes that’s from friendly fire.  Don’t let that discourage you.  Also, don’t start thinking that what you do only affects you.  It affects every one around you.

You notice that Jesus said that he was about His Father’s business (Luke 2:49).  He was not an observer.  God didn’t call us to be spectators.  If you live for Christ, some people will cheer you on, and some people will boo you. 

Also, it’s not the same as last time.  There are thirty-two teams in the NFL, and they each have their own playing field.  The weather is never the same every Sunday; season’s change, and the game goes on.  We go through changes, seasons of life.  Today is not the same as any one previous day, and our lives go on.  All kinds of things are going to happen to you today, and, if you get to tomorrow, then repeat the process.

Let me tell you about some football basics:  1) Offense 2) Defense 3) Line of scrimmage.  Offense and defense most of us know.  Let me start with the line of scrimmage; how many people know what the line of scrimmage is?  Okay, have you ever been to the mall, and seen those signs that say, “You are here?” well, basically, that’s what the line of scrimmage is.  It is where the football rests in between plays, and it is where the offense starts from on every play.

The offense is the team that is trying to move the ball down the field.  This includes blockers, who will block for you, and push things out of your way so that you can move forward a few inches.

 Ephesians 6:12            For we wrestle not against flesh and blood…

 The defense is the team that tries, not only to stop the offense’s forward motion, but also to set you back as far as they can, to not let you back to the line of scrimmage.  There are some people that just loved to see the quarterback get sacked.  Sometimes when we, as Christians, make mistakes, there are those that rejoice that we messed up.  The defense will try to get you to third and long, and then force you to punt (quit).  They want you to just give up, and then they will feed on your defeat.  But, third and long is not insurmountable.

Does anybody know what a yellow flag means in football?  That’s a penalty.  I have never seen a penalty-free game.  I have seen that we all have moments that we aren’t proud of.  I’ve never seen a mistake-free life either, but I’ve read about one.

Heaven, like the Super Bowl, is not just something that appears.  It has events leading up to it.  There are 16 games in the regular season, and then the play-offs.  The play-offs are like tests that must be overcome to receive the prize.  Some of those are easier, and some are harder.  Sometimes there are lucky breaks, and bad breaks, but none of them are easy.  What makes it seem easy or not is how well we work together.

We need a coach; we need good instruction.  We get instruction from our parents, friends, saints, the sermon, and from Jesus (I saved the best for last).

We also need practice.  That’s one of the worst words in football (or life, or in a Christian walk).  Football players love to play the game; Christians love to have the victory.  Neither one likes to practice.  We love pick-up games, because you don’t have to practice for those.

 2 Timothy 2:15            Study to shew thyself approved unto God…

 1 Thessalonians 5:17              Pray without ceasing.

 1 Peter 5:7      Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

 Proverbs 3:5-6            …lean not unto thine own understanding.

 For Christians, practice is studying the Bible, praying, have a little talk with Jesus, cast your cares on Him, seek Him while He is near, don’t lean unto your own understanding.  He will tear you down and build you up.  That’s conditioning, and it increases endurance.  You know, working out is tiresome; you end up doing the same thing over and over again, but, when you develop a physique, you like to show it off.  You’re happy you did it when its worth is proven.  When you come out on top because of it, then victory is yours.

There are two kinds of fans:  Fair-weather, and loyal to the end.  You will always have both.  There are some people that are with you, as long as things are going well, and there are those that will stick with you no matter what.  They can scream out your name, and give you that extra something you need, or they can put extra weight or pressure on you.

 Hebrews 3:13-14        But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day…

 Revelation 21:3-5        …there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying…

 We’ll have our Super Bowl celebration—it will never end.

                             Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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