“Easter Sunday”

By Brother Kenneth Ray

April 4th, 2010

 Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.  

            Last Sunday was Palm Sunday.  A lot changed in between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday.  By this time, Jesus had entered into the City, had the Last Supper, prayed in the Garden, stood trial, been convicted, and been put to death on the cross.  The death on the cross was necessary, but Easter is not about the death on the cross, it’s the celebration of the resurrection. 

1 Corinthians 2:4        …not with enticing words of men’s wisdom...

            Jesus was not in the grave on the morning of the first day of the week when they came looking for Him.  Now, before Jesus came, there were a lot of religious people that talked to the people using a lot of big words and religious terms that people couldn’t understand.  Jesus came, and He talked to them on their level.  Not that He dumbed it down, just that He made it easier to understand.  There was one event in which no words were spoken, and yet there was a great show of power: 

Matthew 28:2  …there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended…

Matthew 28:4  ……the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. 

Luke 24:5        …Why seek ye the living among the dead?...

            The simple truth is that Jesus is alive today.  Here is another simple truth:  He rose and lives again so that you and I can live again. 

John 11:25      …I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

Matthew 27:50-54       …the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom…

            The veil separated the Holiest of Holies from the rest of the Temple.  Only the High Priest could enter there, and even then, only once a year, and then they put bells on him, and tied a rope around his waist, in case he wasn’t right with God, and they had to drag his body out afterwards.  When the veil was torn, that door was opened, and we were given access to the Holiest of Holies.

It is true that Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins; it was necessary for the remission of sins.  Jesus died to save us, but He also arose to live so that we can have life.  He was in the grave for three days, and then He was out.  That’s where the three strikes in baseball came from (three and out).

            Are you behind that stone?  Have things in your life pushed you into what may seem like a grave?  Do you have too much work to do today?  Do you find no time to pray?  Is there too much hate in your life?  Are there grudges that you just can’t let go of?  Is your faith lacking faith?  Maybe you just need a new start.  Maybe this is the day that you’ll forgive, let go, push past, or grab hold onto, so that the stone will be rolled away and the day of God will shine on you like sunshine.  He can brighten your day, make you alive in light again out of darkness.  Today may be your resurrection day. 

Matthew 28:16-17       …when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.

            If this is the first time, or the last time, in a while that Jesus appears to you, do not doubt; there is no reason to doubt.  He wants you to have His resurrection.  Sometimes what we get from Sunday morning is motivation to try again Monday morning.  Or sometimes what you get at Wednesday Night Bible Study is motivation to try again on Thursday.  But motivation only lasts for a week or so, and then your tank is empty again.  The movement of the Holy Ghost can last a lifetime or beyond.  

John 5:28-29   …they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. 

Jesus said that there are two resurrections.  The truth is the truth.  I wish I could paint a pretty picture where there is only good news, but I didn’t make the rules.  People don’t want to hear about Hell, but it’s real. 

John 14:2-3     I go to prepare a place for you…. 

            If He had only died, He couldn’t promise that, but, He has something that He wants us to wake up to, one day.  How do you get this resurrection?  The same way Jesus did; the Holy Ghost provided it.  Jesus had the Holy Ghost in Him; it wasn’t just around Him, it was in Him. 

Ecclesiastes 12:7         …the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. 

            Jesus’ physical body was put to death, but the Holy Ghost lives on.

Acts 2:38         …be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins… 

            There is no secret prayer that will make everything all good between you and God.  Why should I get baptized?  He’s glad you asked:  It’s for the remission of sins.  There’s another place in Scripture where it is referred to as “blotting out the handwriting”, in other words, erasing it.

Mark 16:16     He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved… 

            Some people would say that that’s mean.  No, mean is denying the power of God.  The power of the resurrection is in the Spirit of God.  If it’s in you, you will receive the resurrection of the life.  We will all receive a resurrection; it’s just a question of which one.  The message of this message is that when you know how, you can get the power of the resurrection.  You don’t have to wish for it, but you do have to want it.  Christ died for it, and He lives for it.  He won’t force it on you, Jesus is a gentleman.  My job is not to twist your arm; my job is simply to present His desires.

                             Sermon notes by Pete Shepherd

Christian Fellowship Great Lakes

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